Quote Originally Posted by Valda View Post
I see, in that case

стремиться чтобы делать изменение should work
I don't think it sounds good.

1. "чтобы" adds the meaning of "in order to", it indicates a purpose. It's useful when you do Action 1 in order to perform Action 2.
As in the example above, I was born to live. - Я рожден, чтобы жить. - "чтобы" works perfectly well: "I was born" (Action 1) "in order to live" (Action 2), where Action 2 is the purpose of Action 1.

As in "strive to make a change" the first verb is not a separate action at all. You cannot use it alone. Imagine the situation:
- What are you doing?
- I am striving!
- Oh, I see! It's a great business! Do you like striving?
- Actually, not.
- Not? But why are you striving then?
- I just have to. Because I'm striving in order to make a change.

If you find the imaginary dialogue funny, then you should get why "чтобы" is not applicable here.

I would not use any "чтобы" here: "стремиться делать изменение".

2. Even the phrase above (стремиться делать изменение) does not sound Russian. I do not like "делать изменение" at all. I would just use the verb "менять" or "изменить": "стремиться что-либо изменить" with specifying a noun (to change what?).

E.g.: He is striving to change the life. - Он стремится изменить жизнь.

If you do not want to specify a subject of change, I would rephrase it the following way:

Он стремится к переменам. (He strives for changes).