Are these russian sentences correct?
я их вывожу из здании.
если бы она звонила во среду, я шёл бы в школу.
если бы она была звонила во среду, я шёл бы в школу.
я принесу сумку.
я сумку принесу.
Are these russian sentences correct?
я их вывожу из здании.
если бы она звонила во среду, я шёл бы в школу.
если бы она была звонила во среду, я шёл бы в школу.
я принесу сумку.
я сумку принесу.
why perfective?Если бы она позвонила в среду, я бы пошёл в школу.
and what does 'был' mean? how does it function?
Really, it is hard to explain why. I just know how I would say it. Your version with imperfective (Если бы она звонила в среду, я бы шёл в школу) is strange and does not sound natural.
I would try to provide some explanation, but I am not sure if this explanation is perfect.
The past tense imperfective emphasizes the action in its process (i.e. how the action was performed), i.e. it is a point of view "from inside the action".
Если бы она звонила в среду, я бы шёл в школу - it is more like "If she were calling (me) on Wednesday, I would be walking to school".
BTW, is your native language English? I wonder if my explanation makes sense to you
But in your example, you actually need the action "as a whole", i.e. "looking on it from outside". That is why you need perfective.
There is no "был" in this sentence. There is "бы". They are completely different words!
"бы" is a particle (it has no exact equivalent in English), but it is used to form conditionals. So, a verb with "бы" refers to a possibility, not to a real action. Something which could happen but did not.
A simple example. Compare:
Я тебе помог - I helped you (it really happened)
Я бы тебе помог - I would help you (but I did not)
Если бы ты меня попросил, я бы тебе помог - If you have asked me (but you have not!), I would help you (but I did not!).
Yes, English is my first language. I happen to be a Canadian. I hope to go to Russia someday.BTW, is your native language English? I wonder if my explanation makes sense to you
How about you?
Thank you!
wowowiwa. you know 8 languages! thats plenty!![]()
I cannot say I know all of them fluently. At least I can explain something and be understood in some basic situations
Languages take too much time, and that's the main problem with them.
Well i definitely understand your english! it is good! i actually thought you were a native english speaker with your user name 'Bob Whiteman'.
It is true that languages take so much time.
I study am studying russian on my own everyday. I will get a tutor soon because it is quite a challenge!
Perfective aspect, in addition to obtaining results, often addresses subsequent actions. If you use imperfective, then you are stating that the actions were occurring at the same time.
If you used the imperfective it would mean, as Bob said, "If she were calling (me) on Wednesday, I would be walking to school."
The use of perfective would mean more along the lines of, "If she would have called me on Wednesday, I would have gone to school."
The word бы is translating as 'would' in this example. It is an example of conditional verb usage.
thank you
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