Я был думать. Я знаю хорошо об "Ser o Estar"(the two both meaning "to be") на испанском языке, но у меня проблемы с краткими или долгими прилагательные (By the way, nouns that look like adjectives are confusing me, this word supposedly changes like an adjective? I don't believe that, but...). Я думаю, что эти два похожий. Я становлюсь быстрее на печатать)
Ser= Description, Occupation, Characteristic, Time, Origin, and Relationship...................................Lon g?
Estar= Position, Location, Action, Condition, and Emotion.................................................. .....................Short?
Now, these may be verbs, but my question is, is this the line between short and long adjectives?
P.S. This one is a long shot but, does Я играющ (сейчас) mean anything at all?