This is probably a common issue amongst people who are learning Russian or any other language for that matter.
This surrounds Verbs and there conjugation in various tenses.
I understand the basics of looking for the stem of the words but there seem to be so many rules as to if the letter is x ,y etc you use this and not that.
What I want to know if there is perhaps a simpler way than trying to remember all the various scenarios.On reading the New Penguine course I just end up getting confused with rules for this and that as to what ending the stem of the word should have.Not only that but also in determining what gender if any the relevant words are.
Has anyone come across any excercises or even found a more simpler way of rembering how verbs change there endings in the various tenses.
I am sorry if this sounds confusing and hope you can understand my ramblings.If indeed anyone can help be it with links or even there own methods I would like to hear from them.