I don't have this feeling. I think it is strictly your personal opinion. How this phrase is perceived will depend mostly on the context and intonation.Originally Posted by Indra
I don't have this feeling. I think it is strictly your personal opinion. How this phrase is perceived will depend mostly on the context and intonation.Originally Posted by Indra
Originally Posted by kalinka_vinnie
You're either a kid, or a babushka... or in mafiaOriginally Posted by MikeM
About using "кушать" in 1st person:
Официант: Что будете заказывать?
Посетитель: Литр водки, пожалуйста.
О: А что будете кушать?
П: Вот её, родимую, и буду кушать.
Other than that, I am with Indra on this point. "Я кушаю" sounds incredibly silly when used by an adult. In fact, I don't think I ever heard an adult native Russian saying this seriously, without irony.
Кушать it sounds more softly and warm , but please never say кушать ланч either кушать обед , it sounds silly and funy . You can either кушать or обедать or есть.
How about я ем ланч?
Please correct my Russian or English. Спасибо большое!
you can say я ем ланч , я ем обед. but it sounds not like russian. Russian people usualy prefer to say я обедаю or я ем . Ланч it is not russian word so they start to use it only several years ago . But anyway people would understand what do you mean .
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