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Thread: How to say 'at the same time'?

  1. #1
    Почётный участник
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    How to say 'at the same time'?

    For example: я не могу смотреть фильм и читать субтитры 'at the same time'?

    Google Translate is giving me: в то же время and a number of alternatives. E.g. одновременно

    Could someone break this one down for me: в то же время is it в + acc ... то (that) же (also) time? So. literally, 'to that also time'? And, which is the best one for this context?


  2. #2
    Почтенный гражданин xXHoax's Avatar
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    же is one of the strangest things in all of Russian.

    Among its other meanings, it can convey a sense of sameness.

    It works in structures like this:

    [answer word] + же = the same [answer]

    "Answer word" is a term for all those words that come from similar roots and begin with т, and answer a corresponding question word, beginning in к

    как -- так
    когда -- тогда
    куда -- туда
    где -- там (Note that г and к are voiced and unvoiced brethren, and it is followed by a voiced д, which affects the sound before it)
    (что) кто -- то(т)
    какой -- такой

    From here we get phrases like:

    как - in what way? -------так же - literally: in the same way (used as: "also" or "as well")
    что/кто - what/who ------ тот же - the same _____ (or the "same thing" when in the neuter)
    какой - what kind? ------ такой же - the same kind

    The usage of то же is as follows:

    У меня та же книга.
    Я увидел тот же фильм.

    The word то is used as a modifier of книга, and фильм so it matches them in case

    If there is no noun, then you are talking in the abstract about the "same thing":

    "Ты думаешь о том же, о чём и я?" - Are you thinking about the same thing, about which I am? (In these cases, тот is put into the neuter singular, and again, still changes for case)

    "Same time, same place" - На том же месте, в тот же час
    The phrase "там же, тогда же" seems to be said as well.

    Your next thought might be that "тогда же" would mean what you want, however:
    1. This just means "the same time", not "at the same time"... If that makes sense.
    2. I haven't ever seen тогда же, it is, at best, uncommon.

    When talking about time (except for weeks), в + acc is always used. Often in English we just say the word for a time and it floats around our sentence but Russian much more commonly threads the time-word through a preposition, like when we say: "on sunday", "at one o'clock", or "in 1999"

    в то же время quite literally translates to "at the same time"

    Here's some magnificent syntax for ya:

    Её чувство было настолько же случайно в выборе предмета, насколько в своем источнике отвечало властной потребности инстинкта, который не знает самолюбия и только и умеет, что страдать и жечь себя во славу фетиша, пока он чувствует впервые. Б. Пастернак, Детство Люверс.
    "В тёмные времена хорошо видно светлых людей."
    - A quote, that only exists in Russian. Erich Maria Remarque

  3. #3
    Завсегдатай maxmixiv's Avatar
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    Utilize 'одновременно'!

    But be aware there are two variants of pronunciation:
    "Невозможно передать смысл иностранной фразы, не разрушив при этом её первоначальную структуру."

  4. #4
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    Thanks Maxmixiv

    That does it. Wiktionary shows the pronounciation variants you mention:

  5. #5
    Почётный участник
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    That's very clear and helpful. Perhaps the Пастернак is something to work towards.

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