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Thread: Constructions with получить

  1. #1
    Почётный участник
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    Constructions with получить

    I've got somewhat confused.

    I think there is a construction:

    Меня получилось - which means something like 'something happened to me' (lit: to me it was received) would this be followed by что ... ?

    And there is another on which means 'I had to'?

    Мне пришлось

    Am I on the right tracks?

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  2. #2
    Почтенный гражданин
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    "у меня получилось" is "I completed something / I got something right". It may be cosidered as shortcut of "У меня получилось это" = "I have get it".
    "Меня получилось" has no sense. "У" is mandatory. "получиться" is something like "to happen in the right way". But "in the right way" can be cancelled by explicit statement. So "у меня получилось = I got/did something right" vs "у меня получилось дерьмо = I did something bad / I got some shit". So whole phrase can be decomposed "Something of mine (у меня) happens in the right way (получилось)".

    Мне пришлось = I had to
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  3. #3
    Почётный участник
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    Alex - could you give me a sentence with у меня получилось in it?

    Many thanks
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  4. #4
    Почтенный гражданин xXHoax's Avatar
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    24 has a lot of context sentences. Not without mistakes here and there. I'm not sure how they get their translations (crowd-sourced or computer translated).

    Я надеюсь, у меня получилось обеспечить вам маленький проблеск в теме Perl, CGI и MySQL.
    I hope, I was able to provide you with a small glimpse into the topics of Perl, CGI and MySQL.

    Я начала собирать информацию, и вот что у меня получилось.
    So I started working on it and here's what I got so far.

    Even if it's over literal, it's important to note the relation between the reflexive and non-reflexive form:
    получить - receive (as in, get something from something/someone)
    получиться - 'to be received'
    у меня получилось - at me it was received (у is complicated to translate in cases like these)

    Helps for remembering I find, as well as for forming grammatical constructions.
    Alex80 and justinwyllie like this.
    "В тёмные времена хорошо видно светлых людей."
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  5. #5
    Почтенный гражданин
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    We dont think about "получиться" as reflexive of "получить", despite of visible roots of such relation. we don't use it reflexive such as "посылка получилась на почте человеком". Such usage is nonsense. Exact meaning is like "to happen, to come in existence". There is no transfer, it is creation or achievement. Usages from reverso.context are correct.
    У меня получилось помыть пол = I got success in washing floor (at some moment. Something was preventing from it)
    У меня получилось = I did it / I got success
    Я готовил еду и у меня получилось два тоста = i was cooking food and made two toasts.
    Получилось, что мы проиграли = Things happened in such way that we lost battle.
    Ничего у нас не получилось = we got nothing / we did nothing
    justinwyllie likes this.

  6. #6
    Увлечённый спикер
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    "У меня получилось..." - "I managed..." or "I was able to..."

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