Could someone explain to me why in the phrase 'Я ощущаю себя счастливым ' the instrumental is used for счастливый?
Could someone explain to me why in the phrase 'Я ощущаю себя счастливым ' the instrumental is used for счастливый?
Я ощущаю себя счастливым...
Я ощущаю себя счастливым (человеком) !
Я ощущаю себя (КЕМ?) счастливым человеком
I feel myself (by being whom?) a happy man.
Imagine the following word - noun (which may be implied), because the adjective (счастливый) is just some sort of additional detail.
Other ex:
Я ощущаю себя умелым мастером. (Я - умелый мастер)
Я ощущаю себя хорошим товарищем (Я - хороший товарищ)
Кем? Человеком-Мастером-Товарищем...
You might reconsider the phrase "feel myself" towards just "feel".![]()
Another month ends. All targets met. All systems working. All customers satisfied. All staff eagerly enthusiastic. All pigs fed and ready to fly.
I guess it deals with category of definiteness/indefiniteness in Russian. Definite adjective –that that refers to the certain noun or to certain circumstances.
Я был счастлив/счастливый -I was happy always, happiness was my pertinent quality. (indefinite adjective)
Я был счастливым -I was happy at that moment. (definite adjective)
By the way, the same applies to nouns also.
He was captain – он был капитан .
He was the captain [of the ship] - он был капитаном [корабля].
It is not a rule in modern Russian, but historically ,I think, it was so.
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