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Thread: Что вам/тебе угодно?

  1. #1
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Что вам/тебе угодно?


    I have found this question in my Czech dictionary -> Что вам угодно?

    Does it mean "What do you wish" for the following two situations?

    1. I'm at the hotel's reception and someone is phoning me now. I'm saying -> Здравствуйте! Что вам угодно?
    2. I'm a shop assistant in a small shop and a friend is standing at the counter. I'm saying -> Привет! Что тебе угодно?

  2. #2
    Властелин iCake's Avatar
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    Что тебе угодно... Hmm, I don't perticularly like this. It sounds kind of formal/courteous and now we have an informal тебе in there. I suggest you use it very cautiously.

    Что вам угодно? Yes, it means pretty much what you wrote.
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  3. #3
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Would you please tell some other phrases meaning "What do you wish"?

  4. #4
    Властелин Medved's Avatar
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    Что желаете? (from a waiter, receptionist)

    someone is phoning me now. I'm saying -> Здравствуйте! Что вам угодно?
    Sounds like you're already positioning yourself as a servant. Not even trying to ask who's calling.
    I'd just say "Алло?" and wait for the explanations on who is calling and what they want.

    If someone you don't know (not in your Contact List) is calling you on your cellphone it's already a WTF-situation so I would prefer that someone on the other side of the line explain themselves before saying something meaningful.
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  5. #5
    Увлечённый спикер
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    Quote Originally Posted by George1992 View Post
    Would you please tell some other phrases meaning "What do you wish"?
    - Servants and waiters in 19th centure used to say "Чего изволите?" .
    - "Чем могу служить?" - old fashened and formal, nowadays can be used ironically.
    - You can say "Слушаю вас " or "Слушаю"- also as talking over the phone.

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