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Thread: своего ребенка = 'his child' in this usage, right?

  1. #1
    Почтенный гражданин
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    своего ребенка = 'his child' in this usage, right?

    Was practicing translation and came across this.. Гражданка РФ пыталась незаконно вывезти из страны своего ребенка .. translators tell me that it is "the child" but I strongly feel that "своего ребенка" refers to *his* child, and I want to be sure - that he tried to smuggle his own child, not just "the" child or any child he should happen to have come across... Russian speakers, am I right or way wrong?
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  2. #2
    Властелин Medved's Avatar
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    Правильно, своего (свой) means that they are talking about her own child, (гражданка - feminine)
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