Посмотри, там кто-нибудь дерется? Look, are there anyone fighting?
Here we concentrate on the presence or absence of the fact of fighting.
The action itself is more interesting for us than who's actually performing it.
Посмотри, там кто-то дерется? Look, are there someone fighting? (not sure about the English variant)
Yes, there is someone fighting, and we wanna know, who exactly.
Посмотри, там кто-то дерется! - Declarative. Look, there's someone fighting. There is (someone certain) fighting.
It doesn't matter that we don't know who exactly. And we focus on the people who are fighting rather than on the action.
Посмотри, Там кто-нибудь дерется! - this is just wrong. Sounds like "Look, there's anybody fighting!"
A police officer is telling those 10 criminals, standing in front of him in a line.
I'm sure that someone of you, bast**ds, killed that guy. He uses Кто-ТО.
Я уверен, что кто-то из вас убил этого человека.
But if he's not sure if the killer is among them, he asks.
Убил ли кто-нибудь из вас этого человека?
(Sounds a bit weird for a Russian, but grammatically correct)