'Он знал, что теперь у него за спиною на помост градом летят бронзовые монеты, финики, что в воющей толпе люди, давя друг друга, лезут на плечи, чтобы увидеть своими глазами чудо – как человек, который уже был в руках смерти, вырвался из этих рук!'
'He knew that behind his back on the platform thick and fast flew bronze coins, dates, that in the howling crowd of people, squashing one another, climbing on shoulders to see this miracle with their own eyes; how a man who was already in the hands of death, wrenched himself out of these hands!'
в воющей толпе люди : because во/в requires genitive anyway, this sentence could mean:-
1) 'in the howling crowd of people' or
2) 'in the howling crowd, (there were) people...'
It only makes sense in English (my translation doesn't) with the second version, but I don't understand why, because to me, the first version seems more correct on its own. Grammatically, as far as I know, the sentence can't mean 'in the howling crowd, (there were) people...', unless it has a comma after 'толпе'?