I'm doing some exercises on Imperative and I meet with бояться that has an imperative rather inusual. Firstly I find this verb as of de II conjugation whereas its Infinitive should make to expect it as a "E" verb. Searching I find this verb in a list with verbs whose stem ends in ж, as держать. Well, let's suppose that because of phonetical proximity it belongs to II cong.
But I find its Imperative бой, бойте. The conjugation of this verb is as follows:
я боюсь, ты боишься, они боятся. Everything will go OK if I suppose that the stem is бой- бо(й)юсь ... But the Infinitive then should be бо(й)ться -> боться and not бояться. I see no reason why the "a" in бой(а)ться should fly. I don't understand. Can you help me? Thanks.