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Thread: сорваться, закружиться and more!

  1. #1
    Подающий надежды оратор Renaussens's Avatar
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    сорваться, закружиться and more!


    I was wondering if you could help me translate this last part of Митяев's song Мой Отец. I'm particularly having some difficulty with the first two lines and also understanding the last four in the context of the song.

    Не сорваться бы, не закружиться
    Да мозги бы свои не пропить,
    Да молитвы читать научиться,
    Чтоб отца и детей не забыть.
    Жизнь и боль – вот и всё, что имею,
    Да от мыслей неверных лечусь.
    А вот правды сказать не умею,
    Но, даст Бог, я ещё научусь.
    Full lyrics here

    Any help is much appreciated. Thank you.

  2. #2
    Почтенный гражданин Serge_spb's Avatar
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    It seems like you really got hooked on that song. Not the easiest one for understanding. I would recommend you to check something more "straight" like Kira Lao & Chikiss


    I`ll go through all verses, making an emphasize on meaning, not direct translate.
    The first is based on opposition between low and high = an average soviet citizen.
    "Mediocre" by western standarts, but normal under planned economy.

    Мой отец алкоголиком не был,
    (My father wasn`t an alchoholic)
    Хоть и выпить считал – не грешно.
    (But still used to drink from time to time)
    Хорошо было с водкой. И с хлебом
    Не всегда было так хорошо.
    (We had no shortage on vodka, but lack of bread - sometimes)
    Тридцать лет профсоюзных событий,
    (30 years of service - counted by annual\periodical trade union events)
    Ни прогулов, ни громких побед,
    (My father had no absenteeism (=fine soviet worker), no "breakthrough" in carreer though (many ambitious people end up badly, so no need to shine) )
    Восемь грамот, привод в вытрезвитель
    (8 approvals of his good work - on papers, but stil got arrested once for "not being sober") - this line really sounds like a cold characteristic from a dosier written by local police or work\university\school - a paper, well known among soviet russians
    И награда за выслугу лет.
    (Increased basic pension - all he got at the end)

    Грамота (Gratitude on paper - for 25 years of service. My grandmother used to be a nurce and had several).


    Очень рано отца хоронили…
    (He died early - I guess in his 50`s)
    Очень много, казалось ему,
    Мы неправды тогда говорили,
    (He thought we, the next generation, were lying)
    Да всё думал – видней наверху.
    Верил Сталину, верил Хрущёву,
    Верил, верил, работал и пил…
    (Believed to those who ruled, who was at the top of the party.
    So kept believing, working and drinking - thinking that it was how it was supposed to be.)

    И, быть может, пожил он ещё бы,
    Если б он алкоголиком был.
    (Maybe he should give up (struggling) and start drinking more - then he`d probably live longer)


    Не сорваться бы, не закружиться,
    (I shouldn`t fall down or whirl (not to become tired from everyting) -
    I have to hold on, keep moving)

    Да мозги бы свои не пропить,
    (To keep the clarity of my mind, not to blur them with alcohol)
    Да молитвы читать научиться,
    Чтоб отца и детей не забыть.
    (To learn how to pray - in order to remember my father and children)
    Жизнь и боль – вот и всё, что имею,
    Да от мыслей неверных лечусь.
    А вот правды сказать не умею,
    Но, даст Бог, я ещё научусь.
    (Life and pain is all I got left
    I don`t know how to tell the truth.
    Amen, I`ll still be able to learn)

    P.S. I`d be pleased If you correct my english.

  3. #3
    Подающий надежды оратор Renaussens's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serge_spb View Post
    It seems like you really got hooked on that song. Not the easiest one for understanding. I would recommend you to check something more "straight" like Kira Lao & Chikiss


    I`ll go through all verses, making an emphasize on meaning, not direct translate.
    The first is based on opposition between low and high = an average soviet citizen.
    "Mediocre" by western standarts, but normal under planned economy.

    Мой отец алкоголиком не был,
    (My father wasn`t an alchoholic)
    Хоть и выпить считал – не грешно.
    (But still used to drink from time to time)
    Хорошо было с водкой. И с хлебом
    Не всегда было так хорошо.
    (We were never short on vodka, but we were sometimes on bread)
    Тридцать лет профсоюзных событий,
    (30 years of service - counted by annual\periodical trade union events)
    Ни прогулов, ни громких побед,
    (He never failed to report at work (=fine soviet worker), no "breakthrough" in carreer though (many ambitious people end up badly, so no need to shine) )
    Восемь грамот, привод в вытрезвитель
    (8 approvals of his good work - on papers, but stil got arrested once for "not being sober") - this line really sounds like a cold characteristic from a dosier written by local police or work\university\school - a paper, well known among soviet russians
    И награда за выслугу лет.
    (Increased basic pension - all he got at the end)

    Грамота (Gratitude on paper - for 25 years of service. My grandmother used to be a nurse and had several).


    Очень рано отца хоронили…
    (He died early - I guess in his 50`s)
    Очень много, казалось ему,
    Мы неправды тогда говорили,
    (He thought we, the next generation, were lying)
    Да всё думал – видней наверху.
    Верил Сталину, верил Хрущёву,
    Верил, верил, работал и пил…
    (Believed in those who ruled, who was at the top of the party.
    So kept believing, working and drinking - thinking that it was how it was supposed to be.)

    И, быть может, пожил он ещё бы,
    Если б он алкоголиком был.
    (Maybe he should have given up (struggling) and started drinking more - then he`d have probably lived longer)


    Не сорваться бы, не закружиться,
    (I shouldn`t fall down or whirl (not to become tired from everyting) -
    I have to hold on, keep moving)

    Да мозги бы свои не пропить,
    (To keep the clarity of my mind, not to blur them with alcohol)
    Да молитвы читать научиться,
    Чтоб отца и детей не забыть.
    (To learn how to pray - in order to remember my father and children)
    Жизнь и боль – вот и всё, что имею,
    Да от мыслей неверных лечусь.
    А вот правды сказать не умею,
    Но, даст Бог, я ещё научусь.
    (Life and pain is all I got left
    I don`t know how to tell the truth.
    Amen, I`ll still be able to learn)

    P.S. I`d be pleased If you correct my english.
    Thank you very much. I have made a few minor corrections in your English. I'd appreciate it if you could translate this line as well for me:
    Да от мыслей неверных лечусь.

    PS thanks for your recommendation. I will surely check that out.
    Serge_spb likes this.

  4. #4
    Почтенный гражданин
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    "Да от мыслей неверных лечусь." = "And heal (myself from) wrong thoughts"

  5. #5
    Властелин Medved's Avatar
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    Не сорваться бы, не закружиться
    Another month ends. All targets met. All systems working. All customers satisfied. All staff eagerly enthusiastic. All pigs fed and ready to fly.

  6. #6
    Увлечённый спикер
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    сорваться and закружиться are idioms.
    сорваться - to go off the rails.
    закружиться (in this particular case) - to lose one's head.

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