Hi. Can anyone help with this? It's an article I have to translate, but there are a few phrases I'm having trouble with.
1. Убийство перуанского студента ... cтало тяжелым знаковым событием для всей Рооссии. (I'm thinking - The murder of the Peruvian student ... was a seriously significant event for all of Russia).
2. Кто такие бьющие? (Who are the attackers? - perhaps.)
3. Необходимо ли городу покаяне?
4. Новость ... стала одной из главных на лентах информационных агенств. (The news became one of the most important on the tapes of the information agencies. - Something like this? But it doesn't seem quite right.)
5. Реакция, которая последовала в Воронеже, если честно, насторожила.
6. Непонятно, ксенофобия ето или хулиганство, нацисты или элементарные гопики? (The fact that this is a question is making the grammar difficult for me. And what on earth is an elementary yob?)
Это всё. Спасибо.