I am having some problems with my dictionary.
It does not appear to recognize diminutives very well.
I typed "мышата" into my dictionary and it returned "little mice".
I typed "медвежата" returned "bear cubs".
Are these words really plural or is my dictionary messed up.
What is спят? I know it is some form of спать, "to sleep", but the imperative form is спи/спите.
I am also having problems with the word ведь. I've heard it many times and my interpretation is "of course" or "IT IS" or "surely" or an intensifier of sorts.
Anyways, based on what I said above, here is my English rendition of Зелёная карета.
I would greatly appreciate any help in correcting any errors.
Thanks is advance.![]()
http://bard.bashnet.ru/mp3/audio2/other ... 1/sh01.mp3
Зелёная карета - Green Carriage.
Спят, спят мышата, спят ежата.
Медвежата, медвежата и ребята.
Все, все уснули до рассвета...
Лишь зелёная карета
Лишь зелёная карета
Мчится, мчится в вышине,
В серебристой тишине...
Sleep, sleep little mice, sleep hedgehogs.
Bear cubs, bear cubs and children.
Everyone, everyone has fallen asleep till dawn...
Only the green carriage
Only the green carriage
Rushes, rushes in height,
In the silvery silence...
Шесть коней разгорячённых в шляпах алых и зелёных
Над землёй несутся вскачь. На запятках чёрный грач...
Не угнаться за каретой, ведь весна в карете этой.
Ведь весна в карете этой...
Six horses excited in scarlet and green hats
Over the ground are born at a gallop. On footboard a black rook...
To not keep pace with the carriage, it is really Spring in this carriage.
It is really Spring in this carriage ...
Спите. Спите, спите медвежата.
И ежата. И ежата и ребята.
В самый, в самый тихий ранний час
Звон подков разбудит вас.
Звон подков разбудит вас...
Только глянешь из окна: на дворе стоит весна...
Sleep. Sleep, sleep bear cubs.
And hedgehogs. And hedgehogs and children.
At the most, at the most silent early hour
The ring of horseshoes will wake you.
The ring of horseshoes will wake you...
Only you will look through the window: on the court yard there is Spring...
Спят, спят мышата, спят ежата.
Медвежата, медвежата и ребята.
Все, все уснули до рассвета...
Лишь зелёная карета...
Sleep, sleep little mice, sleep hedgehogs.
bear cubs, bear cubs and children.
Everyone, everyone has fallen asleep till dawn...
Only the green carriage...