Hello everybody:

Now I am trying to translate the following poem:

«За ужином объелся я...»

Александр Пушкин
* * *
За ужином объелся я,
А Яков запер дверь оплошно —
Так было мне, мои друзья
И кюхельбекерно и тошно

My translation so far, which is a stumbling one at this point:

At dinner I stuffed myself with food so tasty,
then Jacob erred and closed the entry-
such was to me , my friends
so кюхельбекерно and nasty

What does кюхельбекерно mean? I presume it means something equal to тошно sine they are connected by и . кюхельбекерно sound almost teutonic.
Anyway, other questions; what is this little couplet all about?
Is this a poetic scherzo?
He gets sick at dinner and Jacob blocks the door.
Is there some kind of ethnic meaning to it since, as we all know, Jacob is mostly a jewish name?

Gracias por su ayuda.