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Thread: What is he saying?

  1. #1
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    What is he saying?

    The situation is:
    A pilot is sitting in his aircraft and is waiting on the ground for further mission-instructions.
    The targetlocation is somewhere in the country Georgia. The target is a turkish aircraft.

    THe pilot gets a wake-up-call from the mission-officer. That is clear.
    But does the mission-officer mentions some details of the upcoming operation such as: what are the difficulties in this mission, which kind of air-defence is expected, etc. etc.?
    Please write down the sentences (in russian language or in english) you do understand from the audio-file. Thxs for your help.

    Audiofile, wav-format, 0.2 MB
    daE2.wav скачать с Файлы@Mail.Ru

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  2. #2
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    That's how i hear it. I tried to do my best. Later, we may try to correct my English translation.

    Пришли координаты цели. Взлететь надо. Слышишь? Вот-вот, давай-давай-давай, поднимайся! Время не ждёт. Не дай Бог, борт этот провороните. Мы же потом это оружие по всем горам искать будем. Давай-давай, считай, что взлёт я тебе уже разрешил. Задачу помнишь? Значит, так. Врубаемся. Потихонечку сейчас летишь на оперативную точку. Это будет в районе Цхалтубо. Там, насколько я помню место есть такое интересное, холмик один на краю города. Спрячешься за ним. Аэродром будет прямо по борту. Потихонечку-потихонечку будешь подниматься, пока не увидишь у … аэродром. Найдешь самолёт - шугани по нему сразу залпом обеими ракетами, и домой! Домой бегом! Ещё на Новый год успеешь. Только не торопись подниматься, чтобы по тебе не отработали ПВО местные. Понял? Ну, давай, боец, давай, удачи. Ждём. (ПВО - противовоздушная оборона, = anti-aircraft weapons)

    The target data has arrived. You will fly. D’you hear? Come on, come on, come on, start it up! There’s no time left. Damn, you mustn’t miss this aircraft. Otherwise, we will look for these weapons scattered all around the mountain range. Come on, come on, you may consider now that I have already ordered your mission. D’you remember the objective? So. You got the idea. Little by little you fly to the mission spot. This will be in Tsqaltubo area. As far as I remember, there’s a good place over there, a hill at the town end. You will hide by this hill. The airfield will be straight ahead. Little by little, little by little you get higher until you see the airfield. As you see the aircraft fire both the missiles at once, and get back home. Get back home immediately. You won’t even miss the New Year holiday. But don’t be too quick to get higher so that local anti-aircraft wouldn’t get you. Copy? OK, come on, soldier, come on, good luck. We are waiting for you.

  3. #3
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Wow. Awesome.
    I can never thank you enough for that (;

  4. #4
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    that's ok, it wasn't difficult. i blind-type)

  5. #5
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Some background infos:

    "Little by little you fly to the mission spot"
    that could mean
    "During your approach to the target location be very attentive (an unknown flight-route at night-time, with low terrain-flying and behind enemy-lines demands your fully concentration).

    "Little by little, little by little you get higher until you see the airfield."
    that could mean
    "Carefully Bop-Up behind the terrain/hill to get a clear view on the target".

    "You won’t even miss the New Year holiday."
    The pilot get this instruction at 22:00 31.12.20.. local time.
    "(If everything runs as planned) you won't even miss the New Year's Eve (here)".
    Prerequisites are that the whole operation with outward-flight, the mission-operation itsself and the return-flight will not take longer than 2 hours, which is unusual.


  6. #6
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    yeah, i was in doubt about 'little by little' as it's quite a specific situation and the language is very accurate and there can be no unnecessary words. It's better to say 'carefully' instead.

    i also translated it as close to the original sense as possible and my English looks a bit awkward in some places.

    This is what i don't understand: Carefully Bop-Up .

    what is 'bop up'?

    this part about 'getting higher over the hill' was really difficult to translate. In Russian it's 'потихонечку будешь подниматься' and it means 'get the aircraft higher, raise it' but i could find the apt English word (which obviously must be short). 'Bop up' looks good. Is it kind of military slang?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexsms View Post

    what is 'bop up'?
    Bop-up maneuver is one of the basics for helicopters: hoover behind a hill/terrain/building, rise quickly, look quickly, (lock, shoot,) descent to cover again.

    It surprised me that you got it right, i mean the location "Tskaltubo".
    Last edited by PWTbA; January 21st, 2011 at 04:08 PM. Reason: link added

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by PWTbA View Post

    It surprised me that you got it right, i mean the location "Tskaltubo".
    this one sounds very distinct. Besides, we Russians, kind of got used to hearing Georgian names, we have a long history of joint relationship in the Soviet era.

    Was this all about a helicopter? I thought it was the airplane))

  9. #9
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    Do you mean 'pop up'?

    The pop-up maneuver is described here: Hacker News | The pop-up maneuver's goal is to minimize exposure to enemy fire. Imagine that y...

    The concept of pop-up and defense is also here: Air defence system of Pakistan (suggestions)

    Here there are 2 terms: pop-up maneuver, and pull-up. It seems to me 'pull up' can also be used..... Pull-up phase is, as far as I understand, the ascending phase.

    The word 'Потихонечку' is used several times. This should be understood as 'carefully' (like you wrote), and also in Russian can mean 'slowly, without haste', so as if to emphasize 'be attentive, careful' (because of night vision conditions).

  10. #10
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexsms View Post

    Was this all about a helicopter? I thought it was the airplane))
    It was all about a helicopter-flight.
    Every detail of your first translation made sense to me, even when you didn't know the exact context. So thanks again for your awesome help.

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