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Thread: Weird song

  1. #1
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Weird song

    I found this video from the Little Mermaid on Youtube, and let me tell ya, it looked so weird that I am now wondering what the song says (I did understand some parts but not the whole):

    What I was able to figure out.. (my listening comprehension in Russian is awful)

    ы рыбки, мои, я вас просто люблю
    готов (готовь) умереть от любви
    разрублю вас (ножом)
    вылью кость от <....>
    и прощай, mon amour, c'est la vie

    вы рыбки, мои, hehehe, hahaha
    вас приятно делить пополам
    <..> требуху, я опущу в уху
    мне так нравятся рыбки. А вам?

    So, could you guys help me out please? it's a really short song (around 1:30 mins), and I just want the lyrics up to 00:39.

    I'd be forever grateful for your support!

    Thanks in advance!!
    "С чий очи сънувам, чий е този лик обречен?
    Смъртен глас ми се причува и отеква с вик далечен
    Как да зърна да погледна, чуждий образ да прегърна,
    на лицето ми студено грях в надежда да превърна.."

  2. #2
    Старший оракул
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    По-моему так:

    Ах вы рыбки мои, я вас просто люблю
    и готов умереть от любви.
    Разрублю вас ножом, выну косточки вон
    и прощай, mon amour, c'est la vie...

    Ах вы рыбки мои, хи-хи-хи, ха-ха-ха,
    вас приятно делить пополам.
    А парную требуху, я опущу в уху,
    мне так нравятся рыбки. А вам?

    Хотя, насчёт "парной требухи" - не очень уверен, так как произнесено довольно неразборчиво...
    Could you please occasionally correct my stupid errors!
    Korrigiert bitte ab und zu meine dummen Fehler!

  3. #3
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by Guin
    По-моему так:

    Ах вы рыбки мои, я вас просто люблю
    и готов умереть от любви.
    Разрублю вас ножом, выну косточки вон
    и прощай, mon amour, c'est la vie...

    Ах вы рыбки мои, хи-хи-хи, ха-ха-ха,
    вас приятно делить пополам.
    А парную требуху, я опущу в уху,
    мне так нравятся рыбки. А вам?

    Хотя, насчёт "парной требухи" - не очень уверен, так как произнесено довольно неразборчиво...
    Мне тоже так и казалось. Я бы сказал, что ты прав. А что еще может быть? ))

    В любом случае, спасибо за помощь!! )))
    "С чий очи сънувам, чий е този лик обречен?
    Смъртен глас ми се причува и отеква с вик далечен
    Как да зърна да погледна, чуждий образ да прегърна,
    на лицето ми студено грях в надежда да превърна.."

  4. #4
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Little Mermaid

    That's that song the cook sings:

    Les poissons
    Les poissons
    How I love les poissons
    Love to chop
    And to serve little fish

    First I cut off their heads
    Then I pull out the bones
    Ah mais oui
    Ca c'est toujours delish

    Les poissons
    Les poissons
    Hee hee hee
    Hah hah hah

    With the cleaver I hack them in two
    I pull out what's inside
    And I serve it up fried
    God, I love little fishes
    Don't you?

    Here's something for tempting the palate
    Prepared in the classic technique
    First you pound the fish flat with a mallet
    Then you slash through the skin
    Give the belly a slice
    Then you rub some salt in
    'Cause that makes it taste nice

    Zut alors, I have missed one!

    Sacre bleu
    What is this?
    How on earth could I miss
    Such a sweet little succulent crab?

    Quel dommage
    What a loss
    Here we go in the sauce
    Now some flour, I think
    Just a dab

    Now I stuff you with bread
    It don't hurt 'cause you're dead
    And you're certainly lucky you are
    'Cause it's gonna be hot
    In my big silver pot
    Toodle loo mon poisson
    Au revoir!

    Les poissons
    Les poissons
    How I love les poissons
    Love to chop
    And to serve little fish

    First I cut off their heads
    Then I pull out the bones
    Ah mais oui
    Ca c'est toujours delish

    Les poissons
    Les poissons
    Hee hee hee
    Hah hah hah

    With the cleaver I hack them in two
    I pull out what's inside
    And I serve it up fried
    God, I love little fishes
    Don't you?

    Here's something for tempting the palate
    Prepared in the classic technique
    First you pound the fish flat with a mallet
    Then you slash through the skin
    Give the belly a slice
    Then you rub some salt in
    'Cause that makes it taste nice

    Zut alors, I have missed one!

    Sacre bleu
    What is this?
    How on earth could I miss
    Such a sweet little succulent crab?

    Quel dommage
    What a loss
    Here we go in the sauce
    Now some flour, I think
    Just a dab

    Now I stuff you with bread
    It don't hurt 'cause you're dead
    And you're certainly lucky you are
    'Cause it's gonna be hot
    In my big silver pot
    Toodle loo mon poisson
    Au revoir!
    Pain is weakness leaving the body.

  5. #5
    Властелин charlestonian's Avatar
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    Re: Weird song

    Quote Originally Posted by Yazeed
    I found this video from the Little Mermaid on Youtube, and let me tell ya, it looked so weird that I am now wondering what the song says (I did understand some parts but not the whole):

    What I was able to figure out.. (my listening comprehension in Russian is awful)

    ы рыбки, мои, я вас просто люблю
    готов (готовь) умереть от любви
    разрублю вас (ножом)
    вылью кость от <....>
    и прощай, mon amour, c'est la vie

    вы рыбки, мои, hehehe, hahaha
    вас приятно делить пополам
    <..> требуху, я опущу в уху
    мне так нравятся рыбки. А вам?

    So, could you guys help me out please? it's a really short song (around 1:30 mins), and I just want the lyrics up to 00:39.

    I'd be forever grateful for your support!

    Thanks in advance!!
    Weird song indeed!
    Well, I don't know what to say. I want to say thanks to the Academy, to Mama, to Papa and to my dog. I love you all.

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