Hello somebody in my village in France (Vosges) has found close to a tree, glass filled with ground and inside a medal.
This medal represents the Virgin Mary with child. It of marked there something on the medal into Cyrillic.
But I do not know if it is former Russian or ukrainien.
I board marked on a sheet what had marked above, but that may be that they are not the exact letters because I do not know the Cyrillic one and it is rather difficult to read what marked.
Here before medal:
And Back:

I board successful to translate one word МАТИ: Marie or mother, the remainder I do not arrive there. That would help me much if somebody could translate it.

I wanted to also know if there were a tradition in Russia to bury deaths with glass. I know that 45000 Russian came to France to fight during the First World War. Thus if it is the case that could be perhaps that a Russian soldier was buried here during the First World War.