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Thread: Translation of Russian Playboy Article

  1. #1
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Translation of Russian Playboy Article

    Can somebody please help me with the translation of this article regarding the new CD of Prince in this month's Playboy ?

  2. #2
    Administrator MasterAdmin's Avatar
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    I like the article about Joe Cocker more.

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  3. #3
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    I did it! This guy loves long and pompous sentences, that's for sure.

    Prince of Darkness
    The triumphal Prince's return into 80s

    Disk of the month

    Prince R. Nelson is famous for his whims: either he wanted to replace his aristocratic name with unutterable one, in addition absent from the traditional type setting, or to release an instrumental jazz album - he did it.
    This time the tiny (158 cm) pop-music titan desired to give out his new disk as a free supplement to the British paper 'Mail on Sunday'. Well, as they say, we like him not only for his whims.
    To take place of the agressive, but nevertheless somewhat tiresome futuro-funk from the last year disk '3121', came energetic Purple Rain-like ballades, alternated with a trenchant rock, which were recorded with the aid of his old time 'sisters in arms' from the duet 'Wendy&Lisa' to his ex-partner Sheyla E. 'Planet Earth'. This is the classic Prince from the 80s, music unsurpassed at sensuality and drive. Someone probably will see self-citing in this retro-aesthetics - well, what's wrong with it?

  4. #4
    Почтенный гражданин
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    A good job! I just have some slight style corrections:

    Quote Originally Posted by gRomoZeka
    I did it! This guy loves long and pompous sentences, that's for sure.

    Prince of Darkness
    Prince's triumphal return to the 80s

    Disk of the month

    Prince R. Nelson is famous for his whims: whether he wanted to replace his aristocratic name with an unpronounceable symbol not present in traditional typography, or to release an instrumental jazz album -- he did it.
    This time the tiny (158 cm) pop-music titan desired to release his new disk as a free supplement to the British paper 'Mail on Sunday'. Well, as they say, we don't just like him for his quirks.
    To take the place of the aggressive, but nevertheless somewhat tiresome* future-funk from _ last year's disk '3121', came energetic Purple Rain-like ballads, alternating with _ trenchant rock, which were recorded with the aid of his former 'Sisters in Arms' from the duet 'Wendy&Lisa' to his ex-partner Sheila E. 'Planet Earth' _ is _ classic Prince from the 80s -- music unsurpassed in sensuality and drive. Someone will probably see this retro-aesthetic_ as self-referential -- well, what's wrong with that?
    *"Tiresome" in English is closer to the meaning of "boring". Is that the correct meaning here? I interpreted the Russian word as "tiring" or "exhausting".
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matroskin Kot
    I just have some slight style corrections:

    *"Tiresome" in English is closer to the meaning of "boring". Is that the correct meaning here? I interpreted the Russian word as "tiring" or "exhausting".
    Thank you so much, Matroskin Kot! Quite a few corrections, I must say.

    What's about "утомительный" it could be translated either way in this context, I guess. But thanks for the clarification anyway. I think it may be useful for SoeurSourire.

  6. #6
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by gRomoZeka
    Quote Originally Posted by Matroskin Kot
    I just have some slight style corrections:

    *"Tiresome" in English is closer to the meaning of "boring". Is that the correct meaning here? I interpreted the Russian word as "tiring" or "exhausting".
    Thank you so much, Matroskin Kot! Quite a few corrections, I must say.

    _About "утомительный", it could be translated either way in this context, I guess. But thanks for the clarification anyway. I think it may be useful for SoeurSourire.
    My pleasure!

    OK, if "утомительный" can also mean 'boring', then it would be appropriate for this context. More so, I think, than 'tiring'. I suspected as much, which is why I asked. Carry on
    "Сейчас без языка нельзя... из тебя шапку сделают..."
    Cogito Ergo Doleo

  7. #7
    Почтенный гражданин
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    So it seems that 'boring' is more suitable seeing as the writer is contrasting it from the aggression on Prince's 3121 cd. boring, overplayed, и т. д.
    Correct my mistakes and I will give you +1 internets.

  8. #8
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Thank you very much on behalf of all Prince fans !

  9. #9
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    ** sorry error ***

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Hey man, there is no need to double post.
    Я так думаю.

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