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Thread: Soviet era awards booklet

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
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    Soviet era awards booklet

    I've always been fascinated by Russian history, and have collected a number of interesting Russian artifacts over the years, including some Soviet medals. One group which included an Order of Lenin, an Order of the Red Banner, and an Order of the Red Star, came with the recipient's awards booklet. I have attached scans of the cover & 1st few pages of the book, could someone here please translate these for me? I would also be very interested to hear what any current or former Russian citizens think about these medals in general, how they were awarded, the role they and their recipients played in Soviet times, etc.

    Thank you in advance!


    cover.JPG book one b.jpg book two b.jpg

  2. #2
    Почтенный гражданин Soft sign's Avatar
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    Союз Советских Социалистических Республик
    Орденская книжка

    The Union of Soviet Socialistic Republics
    Order booklet

    Место фотокарточки [Действительно без фотокарточки]
    Подпись владельца книжки
    Фамилия: Бреус
    Имя: Иван
    Отчество: Гаврилович

    Place for photo [Valid without a photo]
    Booklet owner’s signature
    Surname: Breus
    Given name: Ivan
    Patronimic: Gavrilovich

    Награждён орденом № ордена
    Красной звезды 913725
    Красного Знамени 357167
    Ленина 240115
    Имеет право, начиная с XII 1944 г., на получение орденских денежных выдач и на другие льготы и преимущества, согласно „Общему положению об орденах Союза ССР”.
    Секретарь Президиума Верховного Совета СССР А. Горкин
    17 ноября 1947 г.
    № 778047

    Rewarder with orders Order ID
    Red Star 913725
    Red Banner 357167
    Lenin 240115
    Since Dec. 1944, has the right to receive order payments and to other privileges and benefits according to “General regulations on orders of the USSR”.
    Secretary of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR A. Gorkin
    November 17, 1947

    (Sorry for my poor English)
    Please correct my English

  3. #3
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    Someone selling these.
    Too bad.

  4. #4
    Завсегдатай Crocodile's Avatar
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    This bookelet is somewhat suspicious to me. I'm not sure if it is real.

    First, Бреус Иван Гаврилович is not in the list of the recipients of the Order of Lenin. And there were not too many recipients since that was the highest order of the Soviet Union in that time. The name of all recipients are known.

    According to:

    There are only two Breus recipients of the Order of Lenin:

    Second, the Order of Lenin recipient number 240115 is not in the list according to PHALERAE: Орден Ленина №№ 200.000 - 299.999

    238132 Плотников Василий Васильевич Указ ПВС СССР от 1 августа 1953 г. Г № 768068 26 октября 1953 г.
    239557 Петровский Иван Георгиевич Академик Книга В.Дурова
    240889 Мавромати (Спасова) Екатерина Ивановна Указ ПВС СССР от 17 сентября 1953 г. Г № 836200
    241007 Пестов Николай Евграфович Указ Президиума Верховного Совета СССР от 27 октября 1953 года Профессор и доктор химических наук Московского инженерно-экономического института.
    243557 Васильченко Иван Иванович

    And third, a person with that name was lost in 1941:

    ОБД Мемориал

    Информация из донесения о безвозвратных потерях
    Фамилия Бреус
    Имя Иван
    Отчество Гаврилович
    Дата рождения/Возраст __.__.1916
    Место рождения Черниговская обл., Кобровеческий р-н, с. Хамовичи
    Дата и место призыва __.__.1937
    Последнее место службы Западный фронт 57 АП 57 ТД
    Воинское звание воентехник 2 ранга
    Причина выбытия пропал без вести
    Дата выбытия между __.10.1941 и __.12.1941
    I guess, make your own conclusions...

  5. #5
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crocodile View Post
    This bookelet is somewhat suspicious to me. I'm not sure if it is real.

    First, Бреус Иван Гаврилович is not in the list of the recipients of the Order of Lenin. And there were not too many recipients since that was the highest order of the Soviet Union in that time. The name of all recipients are known.
    There is also no record of Бреус Иван Гаврилович as a recipient of the Order of the Red Banner
    Списки лиц, награжденных орденом "Красное Знамя
    Crocodile likes this.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Thanks for the translations, I appreciate it very much.

    Concerning this number not being listed on the pages cited, I obtained this set 15 years ago from a very, very reputable source (not simply an individual selling on ebay, or the like), and I have seen many Orders of Lenin over the years, including some fakes. I have no doubt all the parts of this set are completely genuine. I've run about a dozen recipient names & medal numbers through the pages mentioned, some listed by dealers, some in auctions, and even one which is in the possession of the grandson of the original recipient, and NONE of them are on either site. The reliability of information found in unofficial blogs and wiki pages varies considerably, and needs to be taken with a grain of salt.

    Thanks again.

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