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Thread: Sentences about clothing etc...

  1. #1

    Sentences about clothing etc...

    If anyone feels inspired.... Please help me with these translations...
    Ivan wears a pale blue shirt at work.
    He just bought a very cool leather jacket.
    I bought a Levi's jeans skirt.
    Anna loves her flowery scarf.
    All the workers have to wear neon vests so they can be seen in the dark.
    You do not need to wear a tie at work.
    The little girl has a pink umbrella.
    Many people buy fur hats when they visit Russia.
    The white and beige cotton blouses are half price in the sale!
    This blue blazer is part of his school uniform.
    It was really cold, so I wore woolly socks inside my boots.
    I am so fed up with North Face parkas! Why do people like them?
    Preferably, you shouldn't wear trousers in church.
    However, when you cook, wear an apron so your regular clothes don't get dirty.
    I wear shorts and a t-shirt when I go running.
    She needs a swimming costume or a bikini.
    His mother gave him a green knitted jumper for his birthday.
    He would have preferred to get new Adidas trainers instead.

  2. #2
    Увлечённый спикер
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    Re: Sentences about clothing etc...

    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna
    If anyone feels inspired.... Please help me with these translations...
    Иван носит светло-голубую рубашку на работе.
    Он только что купил очень клёвый кожаный пиджак.
    Я купила джинсовую юбку (марки) Леви.
    Анна любит свой пёстрый шарфик.
    Все рабочие должны носить отражающие (неоновые )жилеты, чтобы их было видно в темноте.
    (Тебе) не нужно носить галстук на работе.
    У маленькой девочки розовый зонт.
    Многие (люди) покупают меховые шапки, когда (по-)бывают в России.
    Эти белая и бежевая хлопковые блузы на распродажах вдвое дешевле.
    Этот пиджак – часть его школьной формы.
    Было очень холодно, поэтому я надел шерстяные носки (с ботинками).
    Мне так надоели эти куртки с капюшонами. И почему люди их любят?
    Желательно не надевать брюки (,когда идёшь) в церковь.
    Но, когда готовишь, надевай фартук [передник], чтобы не запачкать одежду.
    Я ношу [надеваю] шорты и футболку, когда иду на пробежку.
    Ей нужен купальник или бикини. (seems like the same thing?)
    Его мама подарила ему зелёный вязаный свитер на День рождения,
    но он вместо этого предпочёл бы заполучить новые кроссовки (от) Адидас.

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  3. #3
    Завсегдатай Basil77's Avatar
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    Re: Sentences about clothing etc...

    My variant (I've tried to do literary translation)

    Ivan wears a pale blue shirt at work.
    Иван носит на работе светло-голубую рубашку.
    He just bought a very cool leather jacket.
    Он только что купил очень прикольный кожаный пиджак.
    I bought a Levi's jeans skirt.
    Я купила джинсовую юбку "Левайс".
    Anna loves her flowery scarf.
    Анна обожает свой пестренький шарфик.
    All the workers have to wear neon vests so they can be seen in the dark.
    Все рабочие обязаны носить светоотражающие жилеты для того, чтобы их было видно в темноте.
    You do not need to wear a tie at work.
    Вам не обязательно ходить на работу в галсуке.
    The little girl has a pink umbrella.
    У маленькой девочки - розовый зонтик.
    Many people buy fur hats when they visit Russia.
    Многие покупают меховые шапки, когда бывают в России.
    The white and beige cotton blouses are half price in the sale!
    Эти белая и бежевая хэбэшные блузки вдвое дешевле на распродаже!
    This blue blazer is part of his school uniform.
    Этот синий жакет - часть школьной формы.
    It was really cold, so I wore woolly socks inside my boots.
    Было очень холодно, поэтому я поддевала шерстяные носки под ботинки.
    I am so fed up with North Face parkas! Why do people like them?
    Меня так достали эти куртки в стиле "Аляска"! И что только люди в них находят?
    Preferably, you shouldn't wear trousers in church.
    Вам нежелательно заходить в церковь в брюках.
    However, when you cook, wear an apron so your regular clothes don't get dirty.
    Между прочим, когда готовишь, надевай фартук, чтобы не испачкать одежду.
    I wear shorts and a t-shirt when I go running.
    На пробежку я надеваю шорты и футболку.
    She needs a swimming costume or a bikini.
    Ей нужен закрытый купальник или бикини.
    His mother gave him a green knitted jumper for his birthday.
    Его мать подарила ему на День Рождения зелёный вязаный джемпер.
    He would have preferred to get new Adidas trainers instead.
    Вместо него он бы предпочёл получить новые кроссовки "Адидас".
    Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!

  4. #4

    Re: Sentences about clothing etc...

    Thanks both of you!
    Now I will have to check both translations to see which makes the most sense to me!

    This is super helpful! I appreciate that you translated it as normal people would say it, not "directly".

    PS - how come you translated "North Face" to "Alaska"; is that the brand name for North Face in Russia?

  5. #5
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    Re: Sentences about clothing etc...

    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna
    PS - how come you translated "North Face" to "Alaska"; is that the brand name for North Face in Russia?
    No, "North Face" is "North Face". It's pronounced the same way, only with Russian accent - Норс Фейс.
    There's no word "parka" in Russian, so these kinds of winter jackets are usually called "пуховик" (even though most modern jackets don't have any feathers anymore), or "aляска" (it should be spelled with a small letter 'a' in this case). Many people don't know what "аляска" is, though, at least here.

    It's also perfectly normal to say just "куртка" or "зимняя куртка", especially when you mention the famous brand like "North Face".

    PS. A quote for you - an extract from someone's opinion on the movie "Whiteout" (a thriller in a nothern setting):
    "В конце надоело смотреть на бегающие пуховики, кто там что и кого понять невозможно. " (с)

  6. #6
    Завсегдатай it-ogo's Avatar
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    Re: Sentences about clothing etc...

    Quote Originally Posted by gRomoZeka
    There's no word "parka" in Russian
    There is, but it is not widely known.
    "Россия для русских" - это неправильно. Остальные-то чем лучше?

  7. #7
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    Re: Sentences about clothing etc...

    Quote Originally Posted by it-ogo
    There is, but it is not widely known.
    Oh, you are right.
    I think it's a relatively recent loanword, because people do not use it widely.

  8. #8
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    Re: Sentences about clothing etc...

    Quote Originally Posted by gRomoZeka
    I think it's a relatively recent loanword, because people do not use it widely.
    Yup, fairly recent, it only exists in Russian for about 200 years

  9. #9
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    Re: Sentences about clothing etc...

    Quote Originally Posted by translationsnmru
    Yup, fairly recent, it only exists in Russian for about 200 years
    Yup, exactly. The only explanatory dictionary that mentions this word in that meaning is an old dictionary by Dal, full of obsolete and dialect words, and "парка" is marked as "Siberian dialect word" there. The fact that such popular and reputable dictionaries as Ozegov's and Ushakov's don't even mention "парка"=a jacket pretty much means that it had not been considered a part of modern Russian language for quite some time.

    So the word exists - it was rash of me to say that it does not. But its public resurrection is a fairly recent event, probably influenced by the same word in English (that's my theory, anyway). And few people would make this word their first choice in my opinion. But it may do, if Russian language learner does not remember any other synonyms.
    Sorry for offtopic. )))

  10. #10
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    Re: Sentences about clothing etc...

    Quote Originally Posted by gRomoZeka
    Quote Originally Posted by translationsnmru
    Yup, fairly recent, it only exists in Russian for about 200 years
    Yup, exactly. The only explanatory dictionary that mentions this word in that meaning is an old dictionary by Dal, full of obsolete and dialect words, and "парка" is marked as "Siberian dialect word" there.
    What about the excellent Yevgenyeva dictionary, Kuznetsov dictionary, the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary? They all have this definition.

    Quote Originally Posted by gRomoZeka
    The fact that such popular and reputable dictionaries as Ozegov's and Ushakov's don't even mention "парка"=a jacket pretty much means that it had not been considered a part of modern Russian language for quite some time.
    You call Ozhegov reputable? Duh. That's the most popular among crappy dictionaries and the crappiest one among popular dictionaries. Popular, yes, I give you that. It's popularity is due to the fact that in Soviet times, it was the only dictionary printed in millions copies. So everyone knew it, and no one heard about the 4-volume Yevgenyeva's dictionary which was much, much better. And in the past 20 years or so, a couple of new good dictionaries appeared...

    I have seen the word a lot of times, both in translated books and in books that had been originally written in Russian (books about the Russian North, polar explorers, etc.) It was never actually out of use. It is a bit specialized, yes, and parka is not something you can see on display in a run-of-the-mill clothes store. So that's perhaps why so many people never heard or used it.

  11. #11
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    Re: Sentences about clothing etc...

    OKAY!!!! It exists in standard modern Russian.
    Though I always thought that people who use it do it simply for exotics value (like using "сабвей" in articles about New-York). Same goes for using it in books, because these books are almost always about North Pole or Eskimos or whatever. Фарли Моуэта в детстве все читали, не вопрос. Но в реальной жизни вряд ли кто-то назовет обычную теплую куртку "паркой", особенно если она не из шкур карибу. Как считаешь?

    Anyway, I think that we covered this issue from all possible angles. Phew.. )))))

  12. #12
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Re: Sentences about clothing etc...

    Quote Originally Posted by gRomoZeka
    Фарли Моуэта в детстве все читали
    Не все.
    В основном безвреден.

  13. #13

    Re: Sentences about clothing etc...

    I forgot about this thread but now I am going to copy it over to my flashcards.

    Yeah "parka" is a strange word, isn't it?

    It's used for warm winter jackets that are not coata (=not made from wool, I'd say.. ).

    That said, in England there isn't much use for such jackets since it doesn't get very cold here. I am not sure how common this word is in North America; Not sure if they use this word or something else.
    Personally I learned the word after I moved to England; I never came across it before that.

    I guess it's a useful word to know in Russia!

  14. #14
    Увлечённый спикер
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    Re: Sentences about clothing etc...

    Hanna, "пуховик" is probably the most common word. There's also "анорак".

    Отличия от парки.
    Под паркой обычно понимают более длинную куртку (до колена), с более плотной тканью и меховой оторочкой капюшона. Основное назначение парки — защита от мороза, в то время как анорак больше защищает от ветра и (частично) от влаги.
    Helping foreign learners with Russian via Skype.

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