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Thread: ramps :0

  1. #1
    Старший оракул
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
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    ramps :0

    ok, im reading a text and am really stumped as to what exactly the following refer to, hoping someone will help

    Также нецелесообразно использовать электроэнергию для подогрева въездных пандусов или площадок перед входными группами

    im mainly fuzzy as to what a въездных пандусов and площадок перед входными группами are. i cant see why you would need a heated ramp...

    if someone could explain what they were id be super grateful
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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Re: ramps :0

    Quote Originally Posted by Lt. Columbo
    Также нецелесообразно использовать электроэнергию для подогрева въездных пандусов или площадок перед входными группами
    Въездной пандус - pretty obvious, this is a ramp by which you can drive into something, e.g. to a garage.

    Входная группа is an architectural/design element consisting of 2 or more doors. Площадка перед входной группой - a paved area in front of the doors (of a store, for example).

    As to why heat them... If you ever visit Russia during a winter and try to drive your car up a slippery, ice-covered ramp, you'll never ask again, believe me .

    Of course, in most cases the ice is simply covered by a mix of solt and sand.

  3. #3
    Старший оракул
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
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    thanks transnm, i just couldnt see why a ramp would need to be heated, but now i see where you're coming from! cheers
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