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Thread: Kitchen

  1. #1
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Please tell me if these are correct:

    Холодильник - Refrigerator
    Морозилка - Freezer
    Конфорка - Burner
    Посудомоечная машина - Dish-washer
    Сушилка для посуды - Dish drainer
    Мусорное ведро - Garbage can
    Сковородка - Skillet
    Шкафчики - Cabinets

    Is there a simpler way to say холодильник or морозилка? Can one just say ведро without мусорное?

    The meat is cold / hot.
    Мясо холодный / горячий.

    How do you say these?
    Counter (to which the sink is connected)
    Моющее средство

    Thanks a lot!
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  2. #2
    Старший оракул
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    For garbage you can say simply "мусор"

    Моющее средство- detergent
    Кастрюля- pan
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  3. #3
    JJ is offline
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    Re: Kitchen

    Quote Originally Posted by Knave
    Is there a simpler way to say холодильник or морозилка?
    Nop. Морозилка is a diminutive form of морозильная камера.
    Can one just say ведро without мусорное?
    You can just say "ведро" or just "мусорка".
    The meat is cold / hot.
    Мясо холодный / горячий.
    Мясо холодное/горячее

    How do you say these?
    Can-opener - открывашка
    Microwave - микроволновка
    Counter (to which the sink is connected) - The sink in Russia is connected only to sewer system, what the thing do you mean exactly?
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  4. #4
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Counter — “счётчик” (щёччик)

  5. #5
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    Can you please check the following words:

    Я варю (сварил) яйца - I'm boiling (boiled) the eggs
    Ты взбиваешь (взбил) яйца - You're beating (beat) the eggs
    Он включает (включил) миксер - He's turning (turned) on the blender
    Она вытирает (вытерла) стол - She's wiping (wiped) the table
    Мы готовим (приготовили) обед - We're preparing (prepared)
    Вы готовите на маленьком огне - You're cooking on a low flame
    Они доводят (довели) суп до кипения - They're bringing (brought) the soup to a boil.

    Я жарю (поджарил) картошку - I'm frying (fried) the potatoes
    Ты закрываешь (закрыл) крышку - You're closing (closed) the lid
    Он крошит (накрошил) помидоры - He's dicing (diced) the tomatoes
    Мы растапливаем (растопили) масло - We're melting (melted) butter
    Вы режете (нарезали) рыбу - You're cutting (cut) the fish
    Они сушат (просушили) посуду - They're drying (dried) the dishes

    Вытираться - to Dry oneself
    Or would it be better and more specific to say,
    Вытираться полотенцем
    Or is it understood that вытираться means to dry off?

    How do you say:
    to Peel a potato
    to Set the microwave for 4 minutes
    to Grate the cheese
    to Pour water in the pot

    What's the difference between прочитать and прочесть?

    You say that кастрюля is a pan, then how does one say 'pot'?

    The word счётчик in my dictionary says a thing used to count. So I'm not sure if anyone is understanding what I'm saying. A counter is where one goes to pay for their products at a store and it is also something that people do the cooking and preparing dinner. The flat surface connected to the sink and stove. I'm thinking it might be прилавок, but not sure because that might only refer to something in a store.

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  6. #6
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Can-opener - также "открывалка"
    картиночки тут: ... %E0&isize=

    или "консервный нож"
    картинки вот: ... &rpt=image

    >The flat surface connected to the sink and stove

    >What's the difference between прочитать and >прочесть?

    да никакой. "прочесть" чуть по-дореволюционнее

    >You say that кастрюля is a pan, then how does one >say 'pot'?

    "кастрюля" это вот: ... &rpt=image

    pot это "котелок"? тогда вот ... &rpt=image
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  7. #7
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    to Peel a potato - чистить картошку
    to Set the microwave for 4 minutes-поставить микроволновку на 4 минуты
    to Grate the cheese - (на)тереть сыр
    to Pour water in the pot - налить чайник
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  8. #8
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Where are the accents in столешница and микроволновка?

    Is this correct?
    Я ставлю микроволновку на 4 минуты - I'm setting the microwave for 4 minutes
    Я поставил микроволновку на 4 минуты - I set the microwave for 4 minutes

    Я тру сыр - I'm grating the cheese
    Я тёр сыр - I grated the cheese

    If 'to peel a potato' is чистить картошку, then how do you say "I peeled a potato?"

    What does this mean?
    Надо откинуть вермишель на дуршлаг.

    How do you say 'to bake a cake?'

    Thanks so much!
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  9. #9
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    Re: stoleshnitsa

    Quote Originally Posted by Knave
    Where are the accents in столешница and микроволновка?
    столЕшница микроволнОвка
    Is this correct?
    Я ставлю микроволновку на 4 минуты - I'm setting the microwave for 4 minutes
    Я поставил микроволновку на 4 минуты - I set the microwave for 4 minutes

    Я тру сыр - I'm grating the cheese
    Я тёр сыр - I grated the cheese
    If 'to peel a potato' is чистить картошку, then how do you say "I peeled a potato?"
    Я почистил картошку(perfective, if it's already peeled by the time you say it) or Я чистил картошку(imperfective)

    What does this mean?
    Надо откинуть вермишель на дуршлаг.
    It means that you put the noodles into a colander in order to remove the water.
    How do you say 'to bake a cake?'
    Спечь(испечь) пирог (пирожное, торт)
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  10. #10
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Ok, well how does one say:

    I'm draining the water from the noodles in the colander.

    This is confusing me a lot.

    Надо откинуть вермишель на дуршлаг.
    What does откинуть literally mean in that sentence?

    I couldn't find спечь in my dictionary, although I did find спечься. I also came across the word запекать and запечь are those also words I could use?

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  11. #11
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    Re: colander

    Quote Originally Posted by Knave
    Ok, well how does one say:

    I'm draining the water from the noodles in the colander.

    This is confusing me a lot.
    Я сливаю воду с макарон в дуршлаге.
    [quote:39nsczr4] Надо откинуть вермишель на дуршлаг.
    What does откинуть literally mean in that sentence?[/quote:39nsczr4]
    Literally откинуть means to throw or push something away from oneself(one of the meanings), here it means putting the noodles from the pot to the colander, because it's usually made quickly, like you throw noodles into the colander. Personally I wouldn't use that phase, I would say Надо слить воду с макарон or Надо процедить макароны через дуршлаг(though the latter is even incorrect, strictly speaking)

    I couldn't find спечь in my dictionary, although I did find спечься. I also came across the word запекать and запечь are those also words I could use?
    No, запекать and запечь won't suit here.
    "Happy new year, happy new year
    May we all have a vision now and then
    Of a world where every neighbour is a friend"

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