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Thread: Just because...

  1. #1
    Увлечённый спикер
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    Just because...

    Can you please help me translate these sentences:

    • He thinks just because he makes the money he shouldn't have to help. But he can go and help his friend whenever he needs help.

      I guess he thinks just because he is "famous" that he can say whatever he wants to, then turn around and say he didn't say it. .

      He thinks just because he's got a job he's too mature to be seen with me and my friends.

      He thinks just because he has a lot of money, he can do whatever he wants


  2. #2
    Завсегдатай it-ogo's Avatar
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    Re: Just because...

    "X just because Y" = "раз X, то Y" = "если X, то Y" = "X только потому, что Y"

    He thinks just because he makes the money he shouldn't have to help. But he can go and help his friend whenever he needs help.
    It is too complicated for me.

    I guess he thinks just because he is "famous" that he can say whatever he wants to, then turn around and say he didn't say it.
    Полагаю, он считает, что раз он такая "знаменитость", то может говорить что угодно, а потом отрицать, что он это говорил.

    He thinks just because he's got a job he's too mature to be seen with me and my friends.
    Он думает, что если устроился на работу, то уже слишком взрослый, чтобы водить знакомство со мной и моими друзьями.

    He thinks just because he has a lot of money, he can do whatever he wants
    Он думает, что раз у него куча денег, то ему все можно.
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  3. #3
    Увлечённый спикер
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    Re: Just because...

    No it cant be too complicated for you, here let me explain it better,

    Now this guy thinks that just because he makes money and works he shouldn't help his wife, but whenever this guys friend asks for help he helps him. So basically the guy's a svolochi

    Hope you got the drift,

  4. #4
    Завсегдатай it-ogo's Avatar
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    Re: Just because...

    Quote Originally Posted by DJ_S
    No it cant be too complicated for you, here let me explain it better,

    Now this guy thinks that just because he makes money and works he shouldn't help his wife, but whenever this guys friend asks for help he helps him. So basically the guy's a svolochi

    Hope you got the drift,
    Ah, so this is about conjugal life and domestic work. OK. Here is a free translation.

    He thinks just because he makes the money he shouldn't have to help. But he can go and help his friend whenever he needs help.
    Он считает, что не должен помогать по хозяйству только потому, что зарабатывает деньги. Но другу готов помочь по первой просьбе.
    "Россия для русских" - это неправильно. Остальные-то чем лучше?

  5. #5
    Властелин Medved's Avatar
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    Re: Just because...

    It is too complicated for me.
    That's impossible!! I can't believe it!!!

    Seriously I think "he shouldn't have to help" is a form of like "he's not going to take help as his duty".
    Kinda like: "I shall do it" = "I have strong intention to do it" and "I shall not (I shouldn't for the US)..." = "I'm not going to..."

    Tell me someone if I'm right or wrong, please.

    And if I'm right, in Russian it would be like: "Он считает, что раз он зарабатывает деньги, то уже и помогать не должен."
    (Though it's quite similar to the It-ogo's translation)
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  6. #6
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    Re: Just because...

    I guess he thinks just because he is "famous" that he can say whatever he wants to, then turn around and say he didn't say it. .
    Он что, думает, если он типа такой знаменитый, то может говорить что угодно, а потом отрицать это?

  7. #7
    Старший оракул
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    Quote Originally Posted by it-ogo View Post

    Он считает, что не должен помогать по хозяйству только потому, что зарабатывает деньги. Но другу готов помочь по первой просьбе.
    I'd say Он считает, что поскольку он зарабатывает деньги, он не обязан помогать по хозяйству. Но стоит только другу попросить помочь в чём-то, может без лишних слов пойти и помочь. Ну не сволочь?
    Last edited by alexB; September 19th, 2010 at 11:14 PM.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eugene-p View Post
    Seriously I think "he shouldn't have to help" is a form of like "he's not going to take help as his duty".
    Да, точно!

    Kinda like: "I shall do it" = "I have strong intention to do it" and "I shall not (I shouldn't for the US)..." = "I'm not going to..."

    Tell me someone if I'm right or wrong, please.

    And if I'm right, in Russian it would be like: "Он считает, что раз он зарабатывает деньги, то уже и помогать не должен."
    (Though it's quite similar to the It-ogo's translation)
    Гм, предложения с "не должен" как-то трудноваты - я не очень хорошо разбираюсь в разницах между переводами.
    Во всяком случае, то, что он зарабатывает деньги - это довод в пользу того, что он помогать не должен. Вопрос в том, уважительная ли это причина.

    Quote Originally Posted by alexb
    Он считает, что поскольку он зарабатывает деньги, он не обязан помогать по хозяйству. Но стоит только другу попросить помочь в чём-то, может без лишних слов пойти и помочь.
    Ладно. Вот так!

    I shan't help - I'm not going to help, I have no intention of helping

    You shouldn't help - You oughtn't to help. Helping isn't a good idea/may have undesired consequences. eg.

    A bride should never help to make or sew her own wedding dress. If a bride does contribute any sewing to her own wedding dress, it is thought that the number of stitches she sews will be the number of tears she will shed during the course of her marriage.

    shouldn't have to help. - shouldn't be obligated to help
    I shouldn't have to help if I don't want to
    I shouldn't have to help you get up in the morning. You ought to get up as soon as the alarm goes.

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