Hello guys. I want to translate some lessons from MR.com site into other languages. I think we'll start with translating this alphabet lesson to German, but if you know other languages which you could translate to then let me know. Chinese would be good if you know it.

I have set up a group for translation of our alphabet lesson in Google Translator Toolkit. Please email me, or send PM with your email and I'll add you to the group. The text is already automatically translated by google but we need to: 1) edit it because machine translation is not accurate 2) very important, find matching German examples because the article has English examples right now.

Here's how we will translate it to German. As you can see, the automatic translation is already done to help us get started.

Here's how it looks right now.

So if would like to participate, or if you are just curious and would like to join to the group (even if you don't plan to contribute) simply PM or email me with your email address and I'll add you to the group.
