If anyone can help me, I would appreciate it.
This was an sms and I don't understand some of the words. I think there are phrases, something about honey mushrooms, and it must mean something else. I know it is an angry sms.
"daje poka ne mog skazat'? nu ti i svinya a marina opyat ne mojet dat' trubku tebe tak chto ya tebe zvonit' bolshe ne budu skaji ei spasibo pasha i mne segodnya zvonit' toge ne nado eto znaet chto ti i kak eto budet viglyadet' chto ti ne odin raz v den zvonish ?"
also, if someone calls someone "goroshinka", what does that mean. translated, i think it is "pea", but is it a term of endearment?