How can I say "I am not a hypocrite" in russian? Like, what I say is true. I am not acting against the things I say, or I do not say something and tomorrow change my statement. what is the word for that in russian? Thanks alot.
How can I say "I am not a hypocrite" in russian? Like, what I say is true. I am not acting against the things I say, or I do not say something and tomorrow change my statement. what is the word for that in russian? Thanks alot.
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If you need to translate the word 'hypocrite' that would be лицемер. But it has a different meaning. It means 'pretend, wear a mask', often used in politics, etc.
In your case maybe these would fit: Я держу своё слово (i keep my word, promises), Я не бросаюсь словами (this one is probably close to what you are trying to say, meaning i don't just say something and forget about it).
лицемер - someone who acts contrary to what they say, usually someone who tries to look good by saying false words.
лицемерить - the verb for that
лицемерие - the instance of the verb's meaning
So, I would say я не лицемер or я лицемерием не занимаюсь but your example needs a bit more context. We don't usually say лицемер to refer to ourselves, usually it is meant to describe someone else. Like он лицемер.
So when we say that we want to say that we won't or don't act contrary to what we say we use phrases like this:
Я говорю правду.
Я от своих слов не отступлюсь
Мои слова не расходятся с делом
Я не отступлюсь от своих слов
and so on.
I hope this will help you
I do not claim that my opinion is absolutely true.
If you've spotted any mistake in my English, please, correct it. I want to be aware of any mistakes to efficiently eliminate them before they become a habit.
It is like, you say to a person that you are really a nice person I like you and you really mean that from your heart and try to show that to that person. But suddenly something happens, like someother person tells to the person you like that "he is not a man like you think, he always says people that he likes them but the other day he forgets about that and never likes you anymore". Than the person you like asks about that to you and you say я лицемерием не занимаюсь. Which means all the words you told were real and you never lied.
I tried to explain it further.
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Ah, you don't need all that previous stuff then.
Лицемерие is usually when you tries to judge someone's wrongs when you don't really have any right to do that, because you have done (even do) the same wrongs as well. Examples to clarify the concept:
Here we have Mike. He's a ****** up person who drinks lots of booze. But Mike decided to tell somebody to stop drinking, to quit it because it's not healthy. ALthough the motivation of Mike's is noble but he commits the purest лицемерие ever, because he has to quit drinking himself first before he has any right to judge others about that. Here the judged person has every moral right to say to Mike - ты лицемер! or Хватит лицемерить etc.
I hope you now see what лицемерие is.
Now let's go back to your case. You obviously need the adjective искренний here. And what does it mean? It means sencere. When applied to behaviour, feelings or words that means that you actually meant what you did, what feeling you expressed etc. No strings attached you just speak from your heart.
So given that I suggest using the following phrases:
Я искренний человек - means that you're always sencere and never deceive people.
Я был с тобой искренен - use it to tell someone that what you said, did etc to them in the past was sencere. I don't recommend using this for "male-to-male" conversations. It would be kind of gooey.
Other variants like:
Все что я тебе сказал было искренне.
Моя дружба искренняя
and etc and etc
I hope this helps
I do not claim that my opinion is absolutely true.
If you've spotted any mistake in my English, please, correct it. I want to be aware of any mistakes to efficiently eliminate them before they become a habit.
Thanks alot for the detailed explanation. It is really helpful![]()
Иди и учи русский!
Третье лицо обвиняет (за глаза, как обычно, behind your back) тебя в том, что ты подхалим и льстец?
Оправдаться сложно... вариант iCake-акажется мне лучшим.Я был с тобой искренен
"Невозможно передать смысл иностранной фразы, не разрушив при этом её первоначальную структуру."
Он не лжедруг. Не предатель. Чистой воды. Он не лезет с никакими обманами.
Could say any of these?
Seraph, that's not how a native speaker would say.
Лжедруг looks like an archaic word,
предатель - more like a traitor,
Чистой воды - is set expression meaning 'very true, real' - usually used about things.
Он не лезет с никакими обманами. - grammatically correct, but native speakers wouldn't say that
Thank you! This is a little problem with learning some colloquial things, don't know how to use them.
Not fully grammatically correct - it must have been ни с какими.
Seraph, here's an example that may be useful for you:
- Я не встречаюсь с никакими девушками - только с самыми красивыми и умными.
- Именно поэтому ты не встречаешься ни с какими девушками.
(-I don't date with dull girls - only with good-looking and smart ones.
- And that's why you don't date at all.)
So your phase Он не лезет с никакими обманами means "he lies skillfully".![]()
Я изучаю английский язык и поэтому делаю много ошибок. Но я не прошу Вас исправлять их, Вы можете просто ткнуть меня носом в них, или, точнее, пихнуть их мне в глаза.I'm studying English, and that's why I make a lot of mistakes. But I do not ask you to correct them, you may just stick my nose into them or more exactly stick them into my eyes.
Всё, что не делается, не всегда делается к лучшему
Но так же не всегда всё, что не делается, не делается не к худшему. : D
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