
A quick introduction: I've only recently decided to try and take learning Russian (through self-study) seriously. So far, I'm working my way through Chapter 4 in the Penguin book, and I'm upto the 7th lesson of Pimsleur Russian I. So, I'm an extreme beginner.

But I'm anxious to get started working my way through some real Russian texts and found a cool site that has a bunch of Russian comics on it. Well, I'm already stumped on an easy one. I was wondering if someone could translate the dialogue for me and possibily give me a nudge in the right direction for working through the rest on my own?

Here's the link:


It's just the first page I'm confused by, as it seems these two phrases require a greater familiarity with the language. I'm assuming that what is being said is something along the lines of "Hey, where are you going? And what about me?" but I've filled in some blanks there so I'm probably wrong.

So, any help appreciated. Thanks.