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Thread: A couple of quick things...again!

  1. #1
    aku is offline
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    A couple of quick things...again!

    Hey everyone,

    Yes, I need *more* help! Just a few sentences I would like someone to translate for me (with explanations if possible!)...Yes, still on a festive theme!

    i) We pull Christmas crackers (someone said you can't translate this-is that true?)

    ii) I received jewellery from my parents

    iii) Did it snow?

    iv) It didn't snow at Christmas, but it snowed on New Year's eve.

    v) Did you have a good New Year?

    OK think that's it, thanks so much everyone!!

  2. #2
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    i) We pull Christmas crackers (someone said you can't translate this-is that true?)

    I am not sure what "to pull crackers" means... I know what Christmas crackers are, but not sure what you are doing with them...

    ii) I received jewellery from my parents

    Родители подарили мне ювелирные украшения. However it sounds too formal. People don't talk like that. Assuming it was earrings you could say:
    Родители подарили мне серёжки (diminitive from серьги).

    iii) Did it snow?

    Шёл снег?

    iv) It didn't snow at Christmas, but it snowed on New Year's eve.

    На Рождество снег не шёл, а на Новый Год был снегопад. I used снегопад instead of шёл снег to avoid repetition, however снегопад implies that it snowed pretty heavily...

    v) Did you have a good New Year?

    Ты хорошо встретил(а) Новый Год? or with formal you: Вы хорошо встретили Новый Год?

  3. #3
    aku is offline
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    That's so helpful; thank you very much!

    About the Christmas crackers thing, it's kind of difficult to explain! When you use a cracker two people hold it, one on each end right? Then the two people pull it apart and one person wins the toy in the middle because they have pulled the bigger half. So we say, we pulled Christmas crackers. I dunno how else to explain it! Sorry if I sound patronizing; I don't mean to! Just trying to explain what I mean

    Anyway, thanks for all the help

  4. #4
    Завсегдатай kalinka_vinnie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeM
    ii) I received jewellery from my parents

    Родители подарили мне ювелирные украшения. However it sounds too formal. People don't talk like that. Assuming it was earrings you could say:
    Родители подарили мне серёжки (diminitive from серьги).
    Isn't серёжки limited to the realm of earrings? Jewlery could be bracelets, necklaces, rings etc.
    Hei, rett norsken min og du er død.
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by kalinka_vinnie
    Quote Originally Posted by MikeM
    ii) I received jewellery from my parents

    Родители подарили мне ювелирные украшения. However it sounds too formal. People don't talk like that. Assuming it was earrings you could say:
    Родители подарили мне серёжки (diminitive from серьги).
    Isn't серёжки limited to the realm of earrings? Jewlery could be bracelets, necklaces, rings etc.
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  6. #6
    Завсегдатай kalinka_vinnie's Avatar
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    Why read the post when I have darobat?
    Hei, rett norsken min og du er død.
    I am a notourriouse misspeller. Be easy on me.
    Пожалуйста! Исправляйте мои глупые ошибки (но оставьте умные)!
    Yo hablo español mejor que tú.
    Trusnse kal'rt eturule sikay!!! ))

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