конкурент- competitor
конкурентный - competitive
конкурентоспособный - competitive
конкурентоспособность - competitiveness

This may be the longest word I've seen so far. What exactly is the difference/added meaning from the -способный compared to just конкурентный?
Is конкурентоспособный more implying the ability and possibility to do well, whereas конкурентный is just the interest or obsession to do well?
For instance:
"He got angry when he lost, because he is so competitive."
"Learning a foreign language can give one a competitive edge in the modern job market."

The word конкурентоспоспособность makes me happy because it shows how German is not doing anything special with its word mashing, and Russian, I feel [biasly] is doing it better, and more sparingly. The standard here in the U.S. is to fawn over German because it supposedly "makes words for complex ideas that no other language can quite nail down". In reality they just delete a space, or say two nouns right after one another, to create a "new word". Hell, English can do that, it's just not as popular a practice. Say any combination of turbulence, be it two words mashed together or just random sounds, explain its definition and bam you've got yourself a new word of whatever fantastical new meaning you describe. English is only at all restricted in this because the conceptual boundaries between parts of speech are blurry so it may sound like an adjective followed by a noun, rather than a noticeably deliberate new creation of a noun.