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Thread: Can you please translate?

  1. #1
    Увлечённый спикер
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    Can you please translate?

    Hello, can you please translate these sentences?

    1. It’s not becoming much of a big deal these days.

    2. Look at it this way/Think of it this way.

    3. That didn’t work out/It’s not working out.

    4. I saw what you were doing in the room, now get out here!

    5. You don’t have to be mean about it!

    6. This has only recently started to happen.

    7. This time next year this part of the garden will be looking beautiful.

    8. She will be helping us organize the party.
    9. She will help us organize the party.

    10. Will you be staying with us again tonight?
    11. Will you stay with us again tonight?

    12. By the time you get home I will have cleaned the house from top to bottom.

    13. He found his way to school.

    14. Jack is Strong enough to face him alone.

    Spasiba zaranee

  2. #2
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    1. В настоящее время это становится не таким уж серьёзным делом.

    2. Посмотри (Посмотрите) на это с другой стороны.

    3. Не получилось. (Не получается) or (Не выходит).

    4. Я видел, что ты делал в комнате, а сейчас - уходи отсюда!

    5. Не стоит так недоброжелательно к этому относиться. (one of the variants, 'mean' might presumably have another meaning)

    6. Это начало случаться только с недавнего времени. (or, simpler, Это начало случаться только недавно)

    7. В это же время в следующем году эта часть сада будет выглядеть великолепно.

    8. Она будет помогать нам в организации праздника.
    9. Она поможет нам в организации праздника.

    10. Ты опять будешь у нас сегодня? , but if it's about sleeping overnight it can be Ты опять будешь у нас сегодня ночевать?
    11. Ты опять останешься у нас сегодня? but if it's about sleeping overnight it can be Ты опять останешься у нас сегодня ночевать?

    (I used "будешь" in 10 and 11 to convey a 'continuous' action, though in Russian we don't have such ostensible difference between continuous and simple tense)

    12. К тому времени, как ты придешь домой, я закончу уборку по всему дому сверху донизу.

    13. Он нашёл дорогу в школу.

    14. Джек достаточно решителен, чтобы встретиться с ним один на один.

    in some cases choice of words might vary, i just used most neutral words, for neutral situations.

  3. #3
    Увлечённый спикер
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    Hey thanks so much for the translation!

    I might just wanna get a few things clear though,

    For number 4. As I’m not sure if the translation is correct.
    What I meant by the sentence is that this guy saw the other guy what he was doing in his room, and now, while that guy is in the room, the other guy wants him to get out of there. As it points out in the phrase “Get out here!” which in this case means “Get out of the room”. It seems, however, to me atleast, that Uhodi otsiuda means “Get out of here” like “get out of the house” or "leave!" or something like that, which isn’t what I was trying to convey.

    As for number 5. The translation doesn’t seem quite right I assume. I might need to give an example for this one as it is hard to explain.

    Guy1: Hey is it ok if I borrow your CD?

    Guy2: NO WAY! (in an angry manner)

    Guy1: Alright, jeez! you don’t have to be so mean about it!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I think #4 is ok, but you may say instead "..., выйди немедленно/сейчас же!". "Выйди" is less ambiguous in this context.
    #5 conveys the right meaning, but if you want a shorter and less formal phrase you may go with "Незачем (так) злиться!" - literally "There's no need to be (so) angry/irritated!"

  5. #5
    Увлечённый спикер
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    Thanks gRomoZeka!

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