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Thread: Can someone please translate this

  1. #1
    Почётный участник
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    Can someone please translate this


    У девятилетней сестры победительницы Уимблдона короткий перерыв, и я задаю ей несколько вопросов.

    — Не устаешь на корте?

    — Нет, — взгляд не по-детски серьезный.

    — Следишь за выступлениями Марии?

    — Да, мне она очень нравится!

    — Мечтаешь о таких же успехах?

    — Конечно! — серьезно отвечает Дарья и возвращается на корт.

    Успеваю коротко поговорить с ее отцом Александром Шараповым, который младше Юрия на пять лет. На контакт он идет крайне неохотно. Возможно, из-за запрета старшего брата на общение с прессой всех родственников Марии, включая бабушку из белорусского Гомеля.

    — Сколько тренировок в день у вашей дочери?

    — По две шесть дней в неделю плюс общефизическая подготовка.

    — Сколько лет было Даше, когда она начала заниматься?

    — Пять. У Юдкина — с шести.

    — А учиться она успевает?

    — Занимается на «пятерки» в обычной средней школе, учит английский.

    — Вы хотите, чтобы у нее было такое же будущее, как у вашей знаменитой племянницы?

    — Да.

    — Они очень похожи, как будто не двоюродные сестры, а родные, — оживляет разговор Юрий Васильевич. — Даша подражает Маше. По-спортивному копирует сестру. У Маши прекрасная техника, рациональные движения — у Дарьи тоже. Но особенно у них схожи подачи, почти идеальное совпадение!

    — Это хорошо или плохо?

    — Нормально, ведь многие ребята копируют Сафина, Даша — свою сестру и кумира.

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
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    Here's my attempt at a translation. It might be wrong in places, so please correct me Native Speakers. Hope you get the general idea.

    The nine year old sister of the winner of Wimbledon is having a short rest, and I am asking her a few questions.

    - You don't get tired on the court?

    - No - serious unchildlike look.

    - Do you follow Maria's performances?

    - Yes, I like her a lot.

    - Do you dream of the same success?

    - Of course! - Dar'ya answers seriously and returns to the court.

    I have time to talk for a short while with her father, Aleksander Sharopov, who is five years younger than Yuri. He comes into contact extremely reluctantly. Probably because of his older brother's ban all the relatives of Maria speaking with the press, including her grandmother from Belorussian Gomel.

    - How much does your daughter train a day?

    - Two to six days a week (?) plus general physical training.

    - How old was Dasha when she started?

    - Five. Yudkina (?) - since six.

    - And does she have time to study?

    - She studies top grade (?) in an ordinary middle school, she learns English.

    - Do you want her to have the same future as your remarkable neice?

    - Yes

    - The are very similar, as though they weren't cousins, but sisters - Yuri Vasilevich picks up the conversation - Dasha imitates Masha. She copies her sister in sport. Masha has wonderful technique, rational movements - And Dasha does too. But especially their submissions(??), almost ideally similar!

    - Is this good or bad?

    - It's alright, after all many kids copy Safin, and Dasha - her sister and idol.

  3. #3
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    - Two to six days a week (?) plus general physical training.
    two times a day (six days a week) = 12 times
    - How old was Dasha when she started?

    - Five. Yudkina (?) - since six.
    With Yudkin (a trainer) - since six.

    - And Dasha does too. But especially their submissions(??), almost ideally similar!
    подача (спорт.) - serving[/quote]

  4. #4
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  5. #5
    Почётный участник
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    Oh, one thing - cousin/sister. Are those two words similar in Russian or is she saying here more that they are so close that they are more like sisters than just cousins, or maybe both?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by mashamania
    Oh, one thing - cousin/sister. Are those two words similar in Russian or is she saying here more that they are so close that they are more like sisters than just cousins, or maybe both?
    sister = сестра
    cousin = двоюродная сестра

    У нас есть слово "кузина" (cousin), но его почти никто не употребляет, это какой-то книжный стиль
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  7. #7
    Старший оракул
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    You are very attentive indeed.
    It's a common practice to drop "двоюродная" as long as it's clear who you are talking about. In this text it was already said that they are двоюродные сестры, so there was no need for repeating this long word.
    "Sister" can't stand for "cousin", can it? Then it should be
    She copies her cousin in sport.

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