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Thread: Can someone please translate this

  1. #1
    Почётный участник
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    Can someone please translate this



    Специальный корреспондент "СЭ" встретился с Марией Шараповой на матче коммерческой лиги World Team Tennis в курортном калифорнийском городке Ньюпорт-Бич.

    Алексей ТОЛКАЧЕВ

    из Ньюпорт-Бич

    - Болельщиков и прессу давно занимает вопрос: когда вы станете первой ракеткой мира, станете ли вообще и что вы для этого делаете. А насколько эта мысль занимает вас саму?

    - Знаете, между первым и вторым номером очень тонкая грань. Если бы я выиграла матч против Патти Шнидер (в мае в Риме. - Прим. А.Т.), то была бы номер один. Да и сейчас разрыв с Дэвенпорт у меня небольшой, не знаю точно, сколько.

    - И вам наверняка представится шанс обойти ее...

    - В этом все и дело. Одну неделю ты на тысячу очков отстаешь от первой ракетки, другую - или ты турнир выиграла, или она с турнира снялась, и ты можешь стать первой. Мне кажется, шанс будет всегда. Пусть у меня это пока не получилось, пусть даже я не выиграла Уимблдон, где мне надо было защитить много очков, но не бывает, чтобы все всегда было, как хочешь. Конечно, здорово быть первой, и я знаю, что если буду трудиться на корте, то это все придет.

    - Всему свое время?

    - Да. А если нет - то, что поделаешь, ничего страшного. Номер два - это тоже неплохо, я вам скажу!

    - Другими словами, если не станете первой ракеткой, то это будет еще не конец света?

    - Значит, так и должно быть.

    - Должен признаться, вы меня удивили. Но, пожалуй, вы молодец, что так философски на это смотрите. Скажите, а есть какие-то ключевые турниры, на которых, по вашим подсчетам, ваша мечта может свершиться?

    - Сейчас я готовлюсь к US Open. Уже две или три недели в теннис не играю, только тренируюсь (мы разговаривали с Шараповой перед ее единственным матчем в World Team Tennis. - Прим. А.Т.). А до этого два с половиной месяца была в дороге. Морально и физически так устала, что оставалось только одно - поехать домой, отдохнуть. Так и сделала. В этом году уже семь месяцев прошло, а еще не было такого, чтобы у меня нашлись четыре хорошие недели как следует подготовиться. Чтобы без турниров.

    Когда играешь турниры и доходишь до четвертьфинала, полуфинала, финала, то уже нет времени в конце недели на себя, не успеваешь физически восстановиться. А теперь представьте, что это продолжается два с половиной месяца. В прошлом году я перед Roland Garros проигрывала в третьем-четвертом круге, а в этом, например, в Риме дошла до полуфинала. Это и больше энергии отнимает, и меньше времени остается, чтобы тренироваться и физически быть готовой. Для меня это новое ощущение. Мне кажется, в этом году я уже так много играла!

    Поэтому сейчас у меня перерыв в выступлениях в WTA Tour - четыре недели. Я отдохнула, начала заниматься физподготовкой, бегала постоянно, чтобы форму поддержать, и сейчас мне важно плотно поработать без турниров.

    Полностью интервью с Марией Шараповой - в понедельник

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  2. #2
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Here's my attempt. Translations that I'm either not sure of, or which are not direct, are bracketed. By the way, why do you need an article about Maria Sharapova translated? I don't follow tennis at all, but I imagine that there would be plenty of articles in English news already. Just curious.



    Special correspondent “SE” met with Maria Sharapova at the match of the commercial league Word Team Tennis in the California resort town of Newport-Beach.

    Aleksey TOLKACHEV

    From Newport-Beach

    “Fans and the press have long been occupied by this question: when will you become first racket in the world, will you become it at all and what are you doing for [i.e. to achieve] this. And how much does this thought occupy you yourself?”

    “You know, between the first and second place there is a very thin border. If I were to win the match against Patty Schneider (in May in Rome, Prim AT), then I would be number one. And even now the difference between Davenport and I is small, I don’t know exactly how big it is.”

    “And you probably have a chance to pass her..”

    “That’s the whole thing. One week you’re a thousand points behind first racket, another – maybe you won a round, maybe she left a round, and you can become first. It seems to me that there will always be a chance. So this hasn’t happened for me so far, so I didn’t even win Wimbledon, where I needed to have guarded more goals, but nothing ever happens how you want it to all the time. Of course, it would be great to be first [racket], and I know that if I will work on the court, that it will all come.”

    “Everything has its own time?”

    “Yes. And if not – everything that you do [hasn’t been a waste]. Number two is also not bad, I’m telling you!”

    “In other words, if you don’t become first racket, it still won’t be the end of the world?”

    “It means that that’s how its meant to be.”

    “I must admit, you’ve surprised me. But, surely, it’s good that you look at it so philosophically. Tell me, are there any key tournaments, at which, in your [calculations], your dream could come true?”

    “Now I’m preparing for the US Open. For two or three weeks already I haven’t been playing tennis, I’m only training (we talked with Sharapova before her only match in the World Team Tennis – Prim, A.T.). But before that for half a month I was on the road. Morale-wise and physically I was so so tired that only one thing remained [which I wanted] – to go home and rest. And I did just that. This year seven months have gone by already, but things have been so that I haven’t found four good weeks yet to train as I need to. Without tournaments.

    When you’re playing in tournaments and you make it to the quarter-final, half-final, final, then there is already no time at the end of the week for yourself, you can’t physically renew. But now imagine that this is continuing for two and a half months. Last year I lost to Roland Garros in the third or fourth round, but [this year], for example, reached the half-final in Rome. This takes sapps even more energy, and less time remains to train and be physically prepared. For me this is a new feeling. It seems to me that this year I’ve already played a whole lot!

    So now I’m taking a break from appearing in the WTA Tour – four weeks. I’ve rested and begun to work out, I’ve been running constantly to keep up my form, and now it’s important for me to work entirely without tournaments.”

    The entire interview with Maria Sharapova will be on Monday
    P.S. - Исправление ошибок в моих текстах на русском всегда приветствуется

  3. #3
    Завсегдатай kalinka_vinnie's Avatar
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    Wow, that's a LONG translation... just for tennis!
    Hei, rett norsken min og du er død.
    I am a notourriouse misspeller. Be easy on me.
    Пожалуйста! Исправляйте мои глупые ошибки (но оставьте умные)!
    Yo hablo español mejor que tú.
    Trusnse kal'rt eturule sikay!!! ))

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moryachka
    Here's my attempt. Translations that I'm either not sure of, or which are not direct, are bracketed. By the way, why do you need an article about Maria Sharapova translated? I don't follow tennis at all, but I imagine that there would be plenty of articles in English news already. Just curious.



    Special correspondent “SE” met with Maria Sharapova at the match of the commercial league Word Team Tennis in the California resort town of Newport-Beach.

    Aleksey TOLKACHEV

    From Newport-Beach

    “Fans and the press have long been occupied by this question: when will you become first racket in the world, will you become it at all and what are you doing for [i.e. to achieve] this. And how much does this thought occupy you yourself?”

    “You know, between the first and second place there is a very thin border. If I were to win the match against Patty Schneider (in May in Rome, Prim AT), then I would be number one. And even now the difference between Davenport and I is small, I don’t know exactly how big it is.”

    “And you probably have a chance to pass her..”

    “That’s the whole thing. One week you’re a thousand points behind first racket, another – maybe you won a round, maybe she left a round, and you can become first. It seems to me that there will always be a chance. So this hasn’t happened for me so far, so I didn’t even win Wimbledon, where I needed to have guarded more goals, but nothing ever happens how you want it to all the time. Of course, it would be great to be first [racket], and I know that if I will work on the court, that it will all come.”

    “Everything has its own time?”

    “Yes. And if not – everything that you do [hasn’t been a waste]. Number two is also not bad, I’m telling you!”

    “In other words, if you don’t become first racket, it still won’t be the end of the world?”

    “It means that that’s how its meant to be.”

    “I must admit, you’ve surprised me. But, surely, it’s good that you look at it so philosophically. Tell me, are there any key tournaments, at which, in your [calculations], your dream could come true?”

    “Now I’m preparing for the US Open. For two or three weeks already I haven’t been playing tennis, I’m only training (we talked with Sharapova before her only match in the World Team Tennis – Prim, A.T.). But before that for half a month I was on the road. Morale-wise and physically I was so so tired that only one thing remained [which I wanted] – to go home and rest. And I did just that. This year seven months have gone by already, but things have been so that I haven’t found four good weeks yet to train as I need to. Without tournaments.

    When you’re playing in tournaments and you make it to the quarter-final, half-final, final, then there is already no time at the end of the week for yourself, you can’t physically renew. But now imagine that this is continuing for two and a half months. Last year I lost to Roland Garros in the third or fourth round, but [this year], for example, reached the half-final in Rome. This takes sapps even more energy, and less time remains to train and be physically prepared. For me this is a new feeling. It seems to me that this year I’ve already played a whole lot!

    So now I’m taking a break from appearing in the WTA Tour – four weeks. I’ve rested and begun to work out, I’ve been running constantly to keep up my form, and now it’s important for me to work entirely without tournaments.”

    The entire interview with Maria Sharapova will be on Monday
    Thanks much Moryachka, appreciate it. This was an interview with a Russian journalist and her first since Wimbledon, wasn't available in english. I wanted to know what she would say.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moryachka
    Here's my attempt. Translations that I'm either not sure of, or which are not direct, are bracketed. By the way, why do you need an article about Maria Sharapova translated? I don't follow tennis at all, but I imagine that there would be plenty of articles in English news already. Just curious.



    Special correspondent “SE” met with Maria Sharapova at the match of the commercial league Word Team Tennis in the California resort town of Newport-Beach.

    Aleksey TOLKACHEV

    From Newport-Beach

    “Fans and the press have long been occupied by this question: when will you become first racket in the world, will you become it at all and what are you doing for [i.e. to achieve] this. And how much does this thought occupy you yourself?”

    “You know, between the first and second place there is a very thin border. If I were to win the match against Patty Schneider (in May in Rome, Prim AT), then I would be number one. And even now the difference between Davenport and I is small, I don’t know exactly how big it is.”

    “And you probably have a chance to pass her..”

    “That’s the whole thing. One week you’re a thousand points behind first racket, another – maybe you won a round, maybe she left a round, and you can become first. It seems to me that there will always be a chance. So this hasn’t happened for me so far, so I didn’t even win Wimbledon, where I needed to have guarded more goals, but nothing ever happens how you want it to all the time. Of course, it would be great to be first [racket], and I know that if I will work on the court, that it will all come.”

    “Everything has its own time?”

    “Yes. And if not – everything that you do [hasn’t been a waste]. Number two is also not bad, I’m telling you!”

    “In other words, if you don’t become first racket, it still won’t be the end of the world?”

    “It means that that’s how its meant to be.”

    “I must admit, you’ve surprised me. But, surely, it’s good that you look at it so philosophically. Tell me, are there any key tournaments, at which, in your [calculations], your dream could come true?”

    “Now I’m preparing for the US Open. For two or three weeks already I haven’t been playing tennis, I’m only training (we talked with Sharapova before her only match in the World Team Tennis – Prim, A.T.). But before that for half a month I was on the road. Morale-wise and physically I was so so tired that only one thing remained [which I wanted] – to go home and rest. And I did just that. This year seven months have gone by already, but things have been so that I haven’t found four good weeks yet to train as I need to. Without tournaments.

    When you’re playing in tournaments and you make it to the quarter-final, half-final, final, then there is already no time at the end of the week for yourself, you can’t physically renew. But now imagine that this is continuing for two and a half months. Last year I lost to Roland Garros in the third or fourth round, but [this year], for example, reached the half-final in Rome. This takes sapps even more energy, and less time remains to train and be physically prepared. For me this is a new feeling. It seems to me that this year I’ve already played a whole lot!

    So now I’m taking a break from appearing in the WTA Tour – four weeks. I’ve rested and begun to work out, I’ve been running constantly to keep up my form, and now it’s important for me to work entirely without tournaments.”

    The entire interview with Maria Sharapova will be on Monday
    The whole point of a translation is that it makes sense in the target language.


    That is not proper English.
    Ingenting kan stoppa mig
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by TATY
    The whole point of a translation is that it makes sense in the target language.


    That is not proper English.

    I will be first racket, if it is my destiny.

    I take it that "first racket" is tennis jargon for "top ranking".
    Какая разница, умереть богатым или бедным?

    Какой толк от богатства если ты не счастлив.

  7. #7
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by TATY
    The whole point of a translation is that it makes sense in the target language.


    That is not proper English.
    One, I don't know any tennis terminology other than standard sporting words like "tournament" and "round" and "racket", and two, I was rushed for time (on lunch-break). I'm sorry if this caused any confusion - but somehow I doubt that it did. I figured that there might be a similar term in English, who knows?

    Good reason for needing a translation

    Edit: thanks, Kwatts
    P.S. - Исправление ошибок в моих текстах на русском всегда приветствуется

  8. #8
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    Yea i dont know anything about tennis either, but im sure racket doesnt mean an actually racket. Look at what she said Я буду первой ракоанюываывю... blah blah blah. It looks to me like its the russian word, possibly, for a femalse tennis player.

    Like, when i played vollyball, i called myself 'Волиболник'. I didn't mean A vollyball, i meant, a guy who plays it.
    Вот это да, я так люблю себя. И сегодня я люблю себя, ещё больше чем вчера, а завтра я буду любить себя to ещё больше чем сегодня. Тем что происходит,я вполне доволен!

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