I saw the phrase:
Возможно, в будущем Вы услшите о нас!
in a video. It appears to translate to something like:
Perhaps in the future you ????? about us.
I did a search for услшите and I found lots of pages with this word on it. So the question is if услшите is actually a word or if it is a common misspelling of a word. If it's a misspelling then it could be a misspelling of услышите which is the future second person plural form of услышать. If this is the case then:
Возможно, в будущем Вы услышите о нас!
translates to something like:
Perhaps in the future you hear about us.
So, the question is whether or not услшите is actually a word or if it is a misspelling of услышите. Thanks!