hey all, what would be the nicest sounding way to translate the above??
hey all, what would be the nicest sounding way to translate the above??
I know the other silly phrase - модно быть модным. (Something like that - it's stupid to be stupid). I think they are similar. The last means - it's fashionably to be fashionable (to be in the stream of modertn style and show everyone your witty and alive sense of style and... fashion). So I can assume that your phrase means that everything fashionable is in a good favor today.
This silly glamour phrase was created to make the water even more wet. All these senseless glossy magazines recomend you to follow the fashion. To make you sure it's true they have coined this aphorysm - the fashion for fashion (outstanding!). Literally it means fashion is fashionable (yes and the fat is fat, and the music is musical! )
Я так думаю.
thanks leof, i enjoyed the extra passion that you added in there too
Я так думаю.
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