What does Батькивщины means?
What does Батькивщины means?
This is Belorussian word. Originally it is spelled “Батькiвщина” and means “Motherland”. In your post it stands in Genitive case.
I'm sure you know, but still:
This is a Belorussian word. Originally it is spelled “Батькiвщина” and means “Motherland”. In your post it stands in the Genitive case.
Army Anti-Strapjes
Nay, mats jar tripes
Jasper is my Tartan
I am a trans-Jert spy
Jerpty Samaritans
Pijams are tyrants
Jana Sperm Tit Arsy
Belorussian only? Not Ukrainian as well?
(And, whence "батька" is "father", It probably should be translated as "Fatherland".)
Кр. -- сестр. тал.
Любите Родину - мать вашу!
Just curious is there any difference between родина и отечество?
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