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Thread: США и амер. политика, общество, люди. О жизни + всякое смешное

  1. #1
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    США и амер. политика, общество, люди. О жизни + всякое смешное

    Hate heat map shows where racist, homophobic tweets come from

    Hate heat map shows where racist, homophobic tweets come from

    A group of researchers have created a "Geography of Hate" map revealing racist and homophobic tweet concentrations across the U.S.

    Ever wondered where those hateful, discriminatory tweets on Twitter were coming from?

    A group of researchers from the Floating Sheep project – who also mapped racist tweets surrounding President Barack Obama's re-election – have geotagged racist, homophobic and ableist (directed at disabled people) tweets in the United States and plotted them on an interactive map.

    Students at Humboldt State University in Arcata, Calif., looked up all the geotagged tweets in North America between June 2012 and April 2013, manually reading and coding the sentiment of each tweet to determine if the given word was used in a positive, negative or neutral way in a project called the "Geography of Hate."
    The phrase "dyke," for example, is often used negatively, but can also have positive implications: such as "dykes on bikes #SFPride," Floating Sheep said.

    Of the geotagged tweets containing hateful slurs, 150,000 of them were determined to have negative connotations. They discovered 41,306 tweets containing the word "nigger" and 95,123 tweets referenced "homo," among other terms.
    "Hateful tweets were aggregated to the county level and then normalized by the total number of tweets in each county," the group said. "This then shows a comparison of places with disproportionately high amounts of a particular hate word relative to all tweeting activity."

    Floating Sheep explains that although Orange County, Calif., has the highest absolute number of tweets mentioning many of the slurs, because of its significant overall Twitter activity, such hateful tweets are less prominent and don't feature prominently on the map.
    The map for homophobic tweets is determined by the use of words such as "dyke," "fag," "homo" and "queer."

    The map of racist tweets include the words "nigger," "chink," "wetback," "gook" or "spick."
    Floating Sheep warns that even when normalized, many of the mapped slurs have little meaningful spatial distribution.
    For example, tweets with the word "nigger" are not concentrated in any single place or region in the United States. Intead, the researchers point out, "quite depressingly, there are a number of pockets of concentration that demonstrate heavy usage of the word."

    The study also examined how many unique users were tweeting these words. For example, in the Quad Cities (East Iowa), 31 unique Twitter users tweeted the word "nigger" in a hateful way 41 times.

    The study's most interesting concentration comes for references to "wetback," a slur meant to denigrate Latino immigrants to the United States by tying them to "illegal" immigration, the study says.

    "Ultimately, this term is used most in different areas of Texas, showing the state’s centrality to debates about immigration in the U.S.," the researchers say. "But the areas with significant concentrations aren’t necessarily that close to the border, and neither do other border states who feature prominently in debates about immigration contain significant concentrations."
    Last edited by Lampada; March 28th, 2015 at 04:16 PM.
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    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Marijuana-fed pigs are being sold by butcher William von Schneidau at Pike Place Market

    Butcher feeds marijuana to pigs to create true high-quality meat
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    Завсегдатай Throbert McGee's Avatar
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    The map for homophobic tweets is determined by the use of words such as "dyke," "fag," "homo" and "queer."
    I see some methodological problems here.

    What if Openly Gay Person #1 says "Since I'm a Scorpio and Jupiter is ascending into Virgo, I don't think it would be a good idea for me to leave this house today"...
    ...and Openly Gay Person #2 responds "Astrology is total bullshit, you idiotic fag! Try reading a science textbook once in a while!"

    How does that get scored??

    There is, also, often quite a lot of political hostility between left-wing/Democratic gays and right-wing/Republican gays. Sometimes this hostility is expressed with homophobic terms like "fag" and "dyke." But if a gay Republican, for example, calls a gay Democrat a "socialist Commie-loving motherf**ker", is that for some reason less hateful than saying "socialist Commie-loving faggot"?
    DDT, Lampada, Deborski and 1 others like this.

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    Завсегдатай Throbert McGee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lampada View Post
    Marijuana-fed pigs are being sold by butcher William von Schneidau at Pike Place Market

    Butcher feeds marijuana to pigs to create true high-quality meat
    I know that "the munchies" are a common side-effect of травка, but I wasn't aware that pigs generally suffered from low appetites! But if a bit of MJ encourages them to fatten up more, why not?
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  5. #5
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Карта может и не обладает идеальной точностью, как это заметил г-н Throbert McGee, но во всяком случае статистика очень интересная.

  6. #6
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    Troll has been fed. )))

    But seriously: economics, politics and sociology are related science. So politics is unthinkable without an economy and backward.
    If something happens, the most important question that I ask myself: “Who benefits?” and “Where does the money go?”. It's vanishes imposed media opinion (again, why and what they are imposed?) that guide people. ...Including here too.
    Therefore because of this I'm just saying what I know. Sometimes it looks a little aggressive.

    Example of manipulation.
    Check manipulation about Syria. It seems that the call is noble. But... it has wrong direction. Why? Because this situation is a consequence of economical-political attack from the outside. But what we seen from European and U.S. press? “It's tyranny of the Assad family”. ...Wow! Now it's not only Assad but all his family too.
    I can tell how it's (and same) done.

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    История с Мириам Кери тоже показательная. Застрелили и сделали вид, что так и надо. Женщину, безоружную, в упор, когда она уже не представляла опасности. Похоже на то, что жизнь там у вас и копейки не стоит. И ЭТИ люди говорят, что Россия - полицейское государство!

  8. #8
    Увлечённый спикер
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    I firmly believe it is a fundamental right to be able to speak your mind without fear of being punished, therefore these stats about "hateful tweets" are truly insignifigant to me. Why don't we talk about the huge neo-nazi movement in Russia? The fact that folks from the former SSR(s) in the south are openly beaten in the streets? Russia isn't a bastion of pacifism by any stretch of the imagination.

    I will say this- what language are all of you trying to learn? German? I don't think so. You're learning English, dying to learn it really, and no matter how many native peoples were diseased off or killed, the fact remains that the audacious Brits won the day.

    Race wise there's no denying that minority races are breeding out whites. End of story. It is just a fact of life that the white race is going to be breed out entirely soon. Whether you want to say that is a good or bad thing, is totally up to you.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Lampada View Post
    Вот вам и американская демократия:

    Couldn't you sue somebody if you got a letter like that in America?
    After all, there's supposed to be a political freedom and all that. In theory I don't think you are allowed to sack people because of their political views in "democracies".

    (although I'm sure if I expressed my real political views I'm sure my employer would find some other way to get rid of me)

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Gottimhimmel View Post
    peoples were diseased off or killed, the fact remains that the audacious Brits won the day.

    Race wise there's no denying that minority races are breeding out whites. End of story. It is just a fact of life that the white race is going to be breed out entirely soon. Whether you want to say that is a good or bad thing, is totally up to you.
    Goodness, that was quite a lot of points you made in a short post.
    I'm not going to argue racism with you or anyone else here.
    But if you are wondering why people learn English as a foreign language it's

    1) higher education, serious career - required skills, take it or leave it.
    2) talk to people from other countries whose language you don't speak.
    3) USA imperialism after WW2. Has nothing to do with the UK. The foreign languages that worked in Europe before the war, were German and French. First foreign languages for my grandparents. They speak one those but not English.
    4) Cultural imperialism; films, music and the rest, in English - inspires young people to learn English.

    Don't want to diss English, it's really helped me. But there are backsides to the coin and I think it's time we in Europe started thinking about it. It's such a darn waste of time as well - it's almost impossible to speak and write perfect English due to the chaotic structure of the English language.

  11. #11
    Властелин Valda's Avatar
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    It's such a darn waste of time as well - it's almost impossible to speak and write perfect English due to the chaotic structure of the English language.
    Every language has that chaos in one form or another, but I think English is pretty good compared to other languages. Better alternatives on that front really only exist in constructed languages, but no one seem to wanna study it.
    "Особенно упорно надо заниматься тем, кто ничего не знает." - Като Ломб

    "В один прекрасный день все ваши подспудные знания хлынут наружу. Ощущения при этом замечательные, уверяю вас." -Кто-то

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    "...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)

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    "We've got the best justice system money can buy." - One of the comments on FB
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    "I am speaking on behalf of ALL Canadians....we are ashamed he's from our country....and we DO NOT want him back!!!! - From comments on FB

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    что-то даже хуже, чем в России
    Запрет гомосексуализма в США отменён 26 июня 2003, а в России 3 июня 1993.

  16. #16
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    Some comments on FB:

    Only problem with this statement is that the government IS a corporation.

    Greed, exploitation, and corruption in our government need to be exposed, addressed and corrected!!!!!

    Welcome to the Corporate States of America...

    I put the blame squarely on the shoulders of elected officials allowing corporations to have the power grab they exhibit. There is no reason why lobbyist or special interest groups should be allowed anywhere near DC or, better yet, any elected official be it in person, email, phone, text, smoke signals, carrier pigeon, or even two cups and a string.

    Lets get our freedom back

    A big storm is coming soon and none of us are prepared !!!

    To be governed is to be watched over, inspected, spied on, directed, legislated at, regulated, docketed, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, assessed, weighed, censored, ordered about, by men who have neither the right, nor the knowledge, nor the virtue. ... To be governed is to be at every operation, at every transaction, noted, registered, enrolled, taxed, stamped, measured, numbered, assessed, licensed, authorized, admonished, forbidden, reformed, corrected, punished. It is, under the pretext of public utility, and in the name of the general interest, to be placed under contribution, trained, ransomed, exploited, monopolized, extorted, squeezed, mystified, robbed; then, at the slightest resistance, the first word of complaint, to be repressed, fined, despised, harassed, tracked, abused, clubbed, disarmed, choked, imprisoned, judged, condemned, shot, deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed; and, to crown all, mocked, ridiculed, outraged, dishonoured. That is government; that is its justice; that is its morality.

    The rest of the world is wondering "when or you guys gonna quit watching prime time and rebel?"

    Always comes down to greed, and a conflict of interests.

    this is so obvious and people still wait for a good president.. stupid world

    Most Americans that are born here truly believe in there government and there elections which is pretty sad! WAKE UP you so called PATRIOTS!
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  17. #17
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    Comments on FB:

    All of. It is clearly stated in the constitution that if our government becomes unjust, we have the responsibility to remove them. Not just the right but the responsibility. Money isn't needed. It's the fact that you've been brainwashed into thinking so. Fools.
    Federal reserve
    Patriot act
    I can keep going but the fact is most Americans are too ignorant to accept or understand something that challenges their beliefs or ideology

    To everyone asking, "And do what?". You have to start somewhere. How about, be aware of what you're consuming, where it comes from, who it is profiting, and do you really need it or are you one of the mass of numbed out consumers? Then learn how to do a few things for yourself. Example: plant a garden. Then start informing yourself with reliable sources that don't benefit special interest groups. There, that's your introduction to thinking for yourself.

    And if you DO wake up nothing will happen.
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  19. #19
    Paul G.

    Негатив об "опасной" Америке сносится сюда

    Here is a comment of Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs about Obama's words about the "Kosovo referendum" which has never took place. Obama is a pathetic liar? What a surprise! LOL

    Комментарий Департамента информации и печати МИД России по поводу высказывания Президента США по Косово

    В Москве обратили внимание на то, что Президент США Б.Обама, оправдывая в своем выступлении в Брюсселе 26 марта провозглашённую в обход резолюции СБ ООН 1244 «независимость» края Косово и Метохия (Сербия), упомянул о каком-то «референдуме» по данному вопросу, якобы состоявшемся там по согласованию с ООН и соседними странами.

    Это утверждение Президента США вызывает удивление, поскольку никакого плебисцита, тем более согласованного с международным сообществом, по вопросу о независимости Косово не проводилось. Решение об отделении от Сербии было принято т.н. «парламентом» в Приштине в 2008 году.

    Вместе с тем согласны, что судьбоносные решения должны приниматься не келейно, а через референдум, как это было в Крыму.

    My translation of the second paragraph:
    This statement of the US president excites a surprise, inasmuch as there was no whatever plebiscite about independence of Kosovo, especially concerted with the world community. The decision about the separation from Serbia was approved by so-called "parliament" in Prishtina in 2008.
    At the same time we agree that so important decisions has to be made not privately, but according to a referendum, as it occured in Crimea. (in the original it's "судьбоносные решения" = the decisions which completely change somebody's fate)

    Yes, I agree with Rumsfeld: the American government is just a group of untrained apes. A trained ape can do it better.

    How did it happen that all the world is under attack of the group of untrained apes and other American clowns? How did it happen that the moral bankrupts and total liars became a "leading nation"? Although in fact it's just a nation of world-wide robbers, cynical liars, hypocrites and agressive perverts?

    For example, some American perversions, leashes for kids (I know that you would not believe, but it's rather common thing in the US; also it explains why Americans treat kids like dogs, sadism of adopting parents etc):

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