Господа, вы попроще слова находите, а то читать вас не то что изучающим русский, а самим русским трудно.
Термины "альвеолярность", "аффриката", "придыхание", "переднеязычные", "аффрикатизация" и прочие - настолько загромождают текст, что его читать будешь, только если над тобой с плеткой стоят. Каково вам прочесть полстраницы вот такого текста:

1. General: Number or quantity that is in-between (intermediate to) several quantities and numbers. See also mean.
2. General insurance: The term 'subject to average' means that if the sum insured at the time of a loss is less than the insurable value of the insured property, the amount claimed under the policy will be reduced in proportion to the under-insurance. Also called average clause. See also coinsurance.

3. Marine insurance: 'Average' means partial (loss); particular-average loss is borne by one party, and general-average loss is shared by all concerned. Now largely replaced with institute cargo clauses A, B, or C.
4. Quality control: Most common expression of the centering of a distribution computed by dividing the total observed values by the number of observations.
5. Securities trading: Appropriately weighted mean of a 'basket' of selected securities representing general market behavior. Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), which measures the performance of the stocks of 30 the largest US corporations, is one well-known example.
в качестве ответа на вопрос, что такое "average"?

И сравните как люди попроще пишут:
calculated by adding several amounts together, finding a total, and dividing the total by the number of amounts