Here's an original загадка by me, in both Russian and English (apologies if there are problems with the Russian grammar!) It's not very difficult, but maybe Russian learners will find the vocabularly useful.

Russian version:

В образе яичка скрывается матка без женщины.
В матке скрывается сольнце без неба.
А пока не исчезнит это сольнце
С петуха никак не будет кукареканья!
English version:

In the shape of a testicle hides a womb without a woman.
In the womb hides a sun without a sky.
And until this sun has vanished
A rooster will never go "cock-a-doodle-do"!
Russian answer:
(Куриное) яйцо
English answer:
(Chicken) egg

Incidentally, this riddle is not TOTALLY original, because it was inspired by an article I read in a folklore class, discussing the possible pre-Christian significance of an "Easter egg." As in the riddle, there are several different symbols that the ancient pagans might have seen in the egg. If the last two lines aren't clear, I meant that the yolk (желток) is completely absorbed into the tissues of the developing baby bird...