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Thread: Гимн СССР

  1. #1
    Почтенный гражданин Misha Tal's Avatar
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    Гимн СССР

    A guy was talking about his recent visit to Russia somewhere around the net. I guess he himself was from Eastern Europe, perhaps Yugoslavia. He said that once he totally forgot where he was, and started singing the anthem of the Soviet Union. Apparently some youngsters start giggling and even singing along. And then suddenly this police officer appears from nowhere. The way he told it, seems like he was on the verge of getting into huge trouble, although he might have been exaggerating.

    But is it really that terrible? I for one absolutely love that song, notwithstanding it's political aspect. The main theme is really heart-stirring, and there is something about the lyrics that's kind of nostalgic, even for someone like me, who has never lived there. [Well, of course, in spite of that, the opening of the first stanza always has an ironic effect: Союз нерушимый республик свободных...]

    So what do you folks think about the old anthem?

    And yet another, not-so-related question: is it still OK to call people "товарищ"?
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  2. #2
    Завсегдатай Basil77's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Misha Tal View Post
    So what do you folks think about the old anthem?
    Why 'old'? It's still our anthem, only lyrics is slightly changed, the music remains.

    And yet another, not-so-related question: is it still OK to call people "товарищ"?
    It's still sometimes used in ironical sence. Also it's still in use at the military when someone is adressing to a superior officer.
    Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!

  3. #3
    Почтенный гражданин Misha Tal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Basil77 View Post
    Why 'old'? It's still our anthem, only lyrics is slightly changed, the music remains.
    Yes, I am aware that the music is the same in both "older" and "newer" (if you prefer it that way) anthems. But I wouldn't say that the lyrics have "slightly" changed. The whole point is that the lyrics have changed fundamentally, that's what makes the two anthems different.

    As a matter of fact, the only part that exists in both versions is "Славься Отечество, наше свободное!". True, that's perhaps the most beautiful part of the two versions, but still...

    Oh, and I just remembered. Apart from identical music, there's another point that's common to both version: both lyrics were written by the same person! Now, that's unusual!
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  4. #4
    Завсегдатай it-ogo's Avatar
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    I don't see why singing soviet anthem can make any trouble. (Well with Russian (/Ukrainian) police one can be in trouble without any reason but why with anthem specifically?) Yes, normally no one sings anthem if it is not official ceremony. Post-soviet people are cynic and singing anthem with no reason can make them giggling. But there is no specific prohibition of soviet symbolics AFAIK.

    Well, in some public places loud singing can be treated as hooliganism no matter of what is singing exactly.
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by it-ogo View Post
    Well, in some public places loud singing can be treated as hooliganism no matter of what is singing exactly.
    If the policeman decided that they caused some disturbance by been too loud he could intervene. Or maybe he needed an excuse to ask for a bribe. But there's no rule against singing an anthem, and people are pretty indifferent about it too.

  6. #6
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    It just occurred to me that I don't know a word from the new anthem of Russia. I remember only the old words from the Soviet one.
    Send me a PM if you need me.

  7. #7
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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  8. #8
    Hearing that song reminds me of Sweden losing ice-hockey games

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    Hearing that song reminds me of Sweden losing ice-hockey games

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil View Post
    It just occurred to me that I don't know a word from the new anthem of Russia. I remember only the old words from the Soviet one.
    Ha ha, same here. I do not know the Ukrainian anthem lyrics, and can't even sing a tune, but I still remember the Soviet anthem from the time we learned it at school as firstgraders. The lyrics are really catchy.

  11. #11
    Увлечённый спикер
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    Hearing that song reminds me of Sweden losing ice-hockey games
    Накатила ностальгия . Мы с моим другом в 2004 году снимали один старый-престарый дом, там был 10-дюймовый чёрно-белый телевизор, и мы смотрели хоккей, матч Швеция-Россия. Когда россияне забили второй гол, мы вокруг телевизора скакали и орали от счастья Правда, наша команда так и не стала чемпионом в том году.
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  12. #12
    On this theme, and all of you learning the Soviet anthem in school:

    It seems kind of tragic and strange that most of you Russian speakers were born in the same country (nation) and are now living in different countries despite not having moved... And would need a visa to visit each other.

    Meanwhile, like someone said here a while back, as a contrast, Europe is moving fast in the exact opposite direction.

    I wonder if the CIS countries will slowly come back together; or keep growing apart.

  13. #13
    Почтенный гражданин Misha Tal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    I wonder if the CIS countries will slowly come back together; or keep growing apart.
    Well, think about it this way: Turkmenistan and Estonia were once part of the same country. Do you see a practical way to bring them back together?

    Also, from what I've read here and there, there's no great enthusiasm for such a reunion either. Russians' dislike of the people of Caucasus immediately springs to mind...

    EDIT: A voice from above tells me that the Baltic States are not members of the CIS. The voice is apparently right, but that hardly makes any difference.
    "If in the end, Misha, you are destined to lose this game, there is no need for the reason to be cowardice!"

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