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Thread: What are the names of the Russian letters?

  1. #21
    Старший оракул
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    There is a reason that phones have keypads... lol, ok I guess it might be helpful to know the alphabet
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  2. #22
    JB is offline
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    Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anne
    He he.. Tate that guy is funny. lol.

    Honestly, I think it is a big headache for me to pronounce russian alphabet .

    Gee, look, B is not "b". H becomes "n" . P actually is "r" etc.

    There you go, I've got something useful for people like you and me.

    The whole remaining alphabet is very similar to Latin one, even when some characters look differently, now we will discuss the pronunciation of each letter.

    А is the long sound like in words "after", "advantage", "astma". I like say "Ah"

    Б as in English alphabet in words, and when you pronounce it in the alphabet, it sounds like "back". I guess it's "be(d)"

    В as in English alphabet in words, and when you pronounce it in the alphabet, it sounds like "vegetables" . so I note "Ve(t)"

    Г as in English alphabet in words, and when you pronounce it in the alphabet, it sounds like "game", "gather" I say "ge(t)"

    Д as in English alphabet in words, and when you pronounce it in the alphabet, it sounds like "date", "desk", "destination". Tata, you know "Da" means "yes" in russian so the same pronunciation.

    Е as in English alphabet in words, and when you pronounce it in the alphabet, it sounds like "examination", "emergency".

    E there is no sound for this letter, and it is not supported by the most keyboard drivers, include mine, there must be two dots on the top of this letter and it's name is "YO", it sounds like "Yours".

    well I don't know what's the differences between E and E with two eyes.

    Ж it is impossible to find any words, in which there is the same pronunciation, the most similar pronunciation is in the word "usual".

    З exactly as in English alphabet in words, and when you pronounce it in the alphabet, it sounds like "zone", "zoo".

    И as in English alphabet in words, and when you pronounce it in the alphabet, it sounds like "eastern", "instruction". I say "E(pal)"

    Й the sound is "your", "Yukon". Don't know this one

    K as in English alphabet in words, and when you pronounce it in the alphabet, it sounds like "camel", "ca(ssete)".

    Л as in English alphabet in words, and in the alphabet. Forgot!

    M as in English alphabet in words, and in the alphabet. I guess it's "m"

    Н as in English alphabet in words, and in the alphabet. Do not forget, that is not English "h", it is "n".

    O as in English alphabet in words, and when you pronounce it in the alphabet, it sounds like "Object", "omega". I think it's "O".

    П as in English alphabet in words, and when you pronounce it in the alphabet, it sounds like "pai(r)".

    Р as in English alphabet in words, and in the alphabet, this is not English "P", it is "r".

    С as in English alphabet in words, and in the alphabet, please, keep in mind that this is not English "С", it is "S".

    Т as in English alphabet in words, and when you pronounce it, it sounds like "Telephone", "Te(chician)".

    У as in English alphabet in words, and in the alphabet, again, this is not English "Y", it is "U".


    Good luck with your russian study.
    What a load of gibberish.
    Anyway the name of Russian У isn't the same as English U, because in English U is jotated for some reason e.g. it's "Ю" not "У".
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  4. #24
    Завсегдатай chaika's Avatar
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    ОК, maybe some native speaker can translate for me what I want to shout out here, "What is the big deal?"

    Of course you should know the alphabet, just as you should be able to count to ten to give somebody your phone number. That is a given. If you don't know what the letters are called, you just won't do. How many times in English do you have to spell out things, as in a conversation I recently had:

    -OK, now type in your login name. That is E D z 7 8 5.
    - E T z 7 8 5.
    - No not E T, but E D, as in Evangelical Diaspora!
    - OK, E D small c 7 8 5. OK, so now what's the password?

  5. #25
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    As the guy earlier on in the thread showed, many Russians don't know the "official" letters anyway(эс instead of сэ, etc.). I take it that if he could get this far without knowing the official names then it suffices to be able to make clear what letter you're referring to.

  6. #26
    Почтенный гражданин russkayalove's Avatar
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    So when your referring to the names of the letters you are talking about: Ah, Be, Ve, Ge, De, Yea, Yor, Zshre, Zye and so on? OH, silly me! I thought you were referring maybe to somthing else that I just wan't aware of. So yes, then it does make since to know the names of the letters.

  7. #27
    N is offline
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    Sometimes when I talk over the telephone and the line is bad then in chaika's case I say:
    Петя, Данила, Вова, Маша, Яша, Юля, Наташа итд

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