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Thread: Water

  1. #1
    DDT is offline
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    I have given up the Gambling, the Wine and the Cows!.. I'm in St Petersburg Russia
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    A question for anyone, who is, or has been in Russia.

    Do you drink the water straight from the taps here? I have been buying bottled water and it is getting rather expensive. (But at least I don't have to go pee as much and therefore save money on public toilets)
    Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself. - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce

  2. #2
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    To be honest I wouldn't. Have a look inside a Russian toilet sistern or kettle and you'll see why.

    You could boil water and let it cool then drink it, that would kill anything in it but not chemicals and stuff.

    I wouldn't drink the water in Saint Petersburg, it is notoriously rank. Buying water shouldn't be expensive in Russia, you are obviously going to the wrong place.
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  3. #3
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: Water

    Quote Originally Posted by DDT
    A question for anyone, who is, or has been in Russia.

    Do you drink the water straight from the taps here? I have been buying bottled water and it is getting rather expensive. (But at least I don't have to go pee as much and therefore save money on public toilets)
    You CAN drink boiled tap water. In fact, you can drink it even without boiling (I do sometimes). There's so much chlorine in it that it kills any possible bacteria. Of course, chlorine itself don't do any good to your stomach but you'll live And it tastes awful.
    There are alternatives - use filters
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    I used to drink water straight from the tap when I was a kid. It was long time ago (USSR times). And as you can see I survived :) Now I prefer to drink filtered water (I use this cheap filter Aquaphor) because water from the tap tastes and sometimes looks not good. And boiling/cooling water is too much hassle to me, besides I don't like its taste.

    By the way what kind of water you buy and in what bottles? I think 5 liter bottles cost like 50 rubles it's not really expensive but of course filters are cheaper.

  5. #5
    DDT is offline
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    I have given up the Gambling, the Wine and the Cows!.. I'm in St Petersburg Russia
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    What I am really worried about is any chemicals that may be in the stuff. Who knows what is in the water. A recent article in the paper said that many companies are totally misrepresenting and outright lying about what is in their food products.
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  6. #6
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    I have recently drunk Bonaqua and it had an obvious taste of iron. Seems like it was a fake bottle. I suggest you to buy a filter and make youe tap water clear.
    Я так думаю.

  7. #7
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    DDT, don't believe everything what they write in the papers. Just buy a water filter and you'll be alright. It's really cheap and pretty good. You'll spend less money than for ciggas.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDT
    What I am really worried about is any chemicals that may be in the stuff. Who knows what is in the water. A recent article in the paper said that many companies are totally misrepresenting and outright lying about what is in their food products.
    If you only knew what awful stuff lies behind these clever names for compounds used for ordinary Coca-cola you wouldn't worry too much.
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  9. #9
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    I prefer to drink boiled water. I have a jug of boiled water in the kitchen.

  10. #10
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    I buy usually "Новотерская горная". It's the best but rather expensive.

  11. #11
    Завсегдатай Basil77's Avatar
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    I sometimes drink water directly from a tap and still alive). BTW, there is a point that filtered water also can be harmful to the health:

    Глава Роспотребнадзора Геннадий Онищенко считает полезным ограничить использование систем очистки питьевой воды. Кроме того, он в очередной раз призвал россиян бросить пить. Говоря о популярных в России фильтрах для воды, главный санитарный врач отметил: "хорошо, что мы сейчас начинаем вводить дополнительную доочистку воды. Однако гиперочистка воды, удаление оттуда всех солей с помощью фильтров приводит к нарушению минерального баланса в организме. Это прежде всего сказывается на зубах и костях".

    Онищенко посоветовал россиянам внимательно отнестись к настройке очистных систем в своих квартирах, и добавил, что пить такую воду лучше с одновременным употреблением микроэлементов и витаминов.
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  12. #12
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    I used to drink the water from taps, being a kid, and it was fairly all right. Really, the drinking habit depends on the place you are living in. I don't bother about my health just drinking bottled water. Rational use can't make it expensive.
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  13. #13
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    Basil77, he meant membrane filters, jug filters are ok, you just need to replace a cartridge on time.

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    Re: Water

    Quote Originally Posted by DDT
    A question for anyone, who is, or has been in Russia.
    Do you drink the water straight from the taps here? I have been buying bottled water and it is getting rather expensive. (But at least I don't have to go pee as much and therefore save money on public toilets)
    Я недавно услышал мнение начальника питерского Водоканала о качестве выдаваемой его предприятием воды. Он сказал, что "не заболеете". Гарантировал, что вода не опасна. А если хотите пить полезную воду, то очищайте сами или покупайте.
    Вот гады, а раньше уверяли, что всё хорошо...

    Некоторое значение имеет то, какие трубы в доме. У нас недавно заменили на пластик и качество улучшилось.

    Вода в канистрах дешевле, чем в бутылках.

    Quote Originally Posted by Basil77
    Глава Роспотребнадзора Геннадий Онищенко считает полезным ограничить использование систем очистки питьевой воды... Однако гиперочистка воды, удаление оттуда всех солей с помощью фильтров приводит к нарушению минерального баланса в организме. Это прежде всего сказывается на зубах и костях
    Самая крутая очистка - это обратный осмос, как я слышал. И там есть минерализирующая насадка, обогощающая солями.
    Кроме того, можно для профилактики иногда купить бытылочку минералки. Так что Онищенко выдумывает проблему, мне кажется. Тем более, что проблема зубов возникла гораздо раньше фильтров.

  15. #15
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    В долгосрочной перспективе - самое лучшее - пробурить артезианскую скважину.
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  16. #16
    DDT is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leof
    I have recently drunk Bonaqua and it had an obvious taste of iron. Seems like it was a fake bottle. I suggest you to buy a filter and make youe tap water clear.
    I have tasted worse bottled water here, than Bonaqua! LOL
    Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself. - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce

  17. #17
    Завсегдатай chaika's Avatar
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    I survived a month in Moscow on bottled water. I would not drink it straight from the tap. I read a fairly disgusting item about how the water and sewer lines run side by side below the streets and the pipes are always rusting out, so I am going to stick to bottled when I'm there. I remember when I was there in '86 I found some bottled water that was so bad that I brought home a small bottle of it for my wife to taste.

    Find a brand that tastes good and go for it. There is a real good kind called Балтика something, number nine sticks in my mind. Number 9, Number 9.... =;^0

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by chaika
    Find a brand that tastes good and go for it. There is a real good kind called Балтика something, number nine sticks in my mind. Number 9, Number 9.... =;^0
    Are you sure? Балтика №9 isn't water at all, it is "ёрш" actually (mixed beer&vodka).
    Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!

  19. #19
    ST is offline
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    думаю в разных городах разное кач-во воды. В Мск я слышал не так давно на озонирование вместо хлорирования перешли. Состояние очистных сооружений во всех городах тоже разное, и разное кач-во самого источника воды. В новосибе река более менее чистая как я понимаю, т.к. выше по течению нет больших городов...правда хлорка все портит.
    ЗЫ: я заказываю воду на дом, 20л бутыль стоит 170руб. с доставкой. Бутылке хватает на неделю семье из 3-х человек.
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  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by chaika
    I remember when I was there in '86 I found some bottled water that was so bad that I brought home a small bottle of it for my wife to taste.
    Hmm... do you know if it was Ессентуки?
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