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Thread: A very sad day in Russia

  1. #1
    Завсегдатай sperk's Avatar
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    A very sad day in Russia is closed!
    Кому - нары, кому - Канары.

  2. #2
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    Re: A very sad day in Russia

    It works at
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  3. #3
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: A very sad day in Russia

    LOL according to the whois record the owner of of the domain lives on the Bahama islands. you dirty cops!
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  4. #4

    Re: A very sad day in Russia

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    LOL according to the whois record the owner of of the domain lives on the Bahama islands. you dirty cops!

    I didn't understand too much of the clip, but the series of events is well known to everyone in Europe after evert decent open tracker has been targetted.
    I wonder if they also raided the place and took the servers?

    This is a sad day for Russia, Europe and everybody who supports filesharing.
    Sharing is caring!

    I guess in the case of Russia this was NOT as a result of bullying/blackmail by the USA like with PirateBay and Mininova etc... OR?

    Who was behind the complaint?
    I hope every botnet operator in Russia goes after them (I mean electronically, of course...

    Can you recommend some good alternatives? I haven't yet downloaded all the Russian films I want to see because I didn't think this would happen in Russia for at least five years.
    That was one of the most awesome filesharing sites EVER. RIP

    Is the owner(s) of the site in legal trouble then?

  5. #5
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: A very sad day in Russia

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    Who was behind the complaint?
    I think this will be known tomorrow (or on Monday).
    And... I think they should brace themselves for a series of DDoS attacks

    Can you recommend some good alternatives? is working. They CAN'T close it from Russia.

    Quote Originally Posted by
    Уважаемые пользователи!
    Dear users,

    On February, 18 2010 delegating of the domain name TORRENTS.RU was suspended by the RU-CENTER company without any preliminary warnings or notices.
    According the information from RU-CENTER the delegating of the domain name TORRENTS.RU was suspended on the prescript of the Investigations department or the Chertanovsky district of Moscow date Feb, 16 2010.
    A formal request for due explanations was sent to RU-CENTER, however, it's very likely that the clarification will take some time during which the domain adress will be unavailable.
    We therby were forced to urgently change our domain name to
    Technically this means that in order to continue the information exchange you need to either change the tracker name in your downloaded .torrent files from to (there may be bt2, bt3 or bt4 instead of bt) or download these torrent files again (they will contain the new tracker address).

    The rest of hyperlinks on the forum will be changed automatically, however you will be required to enter your login and password for entering the forum.

    Is the owner(s) of the site in legal trouble then?
    I doubt it. If there was any 'proof' they would have been already under arrest (well, if they were anywhere in Russia which I doubt)
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  6. #6
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: A very sad day in Russia

    Граждане, будьте бдительны, правильный адрес: - фальшивка, созданная для увода учётных записей. - is a fake, the correct one is
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  7. #7
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    Re: A very sad day in Russia

    Closing down an organisation for a long time just to search for evidence is a typical method of the Russian law-enforcement. Stopping delegating a domain is an Internet equalent for this. BTW was the most 'law-abiding' tracker, seeding was cancelled at requests of right-holders.
    Please correct my English

  8. #8
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: A very sad day in Russia

    На самом деле я вижу в этом длинную руку ZOG. Просто нашим м.дакам надо "изобразить кипучую деятельность" по "мероприятиям, направленным на поддержку авторских прав". Видимо пригрозили, что поток [s:ud9qyond]спайса[/s:ud9qyond] бабла перекроют.
    Для конечного пользователя в конце концов ничего не изменилась. Можно даже в etc/hosts перенаправление сделать и даже разницы заметно не будет. Другое дело, что торретнс.ру действительно - один из самых лояльных трекеров по поддержке авторских прав. "По просьбе правообладателей" моментально сносятся весьма стоящие раздачи. Слухи ходили, что администрация трекера даже получает с этого какие-то отчисления от тех же копирастов.
    Люди как качали пиратки, так и будут качать, другое дело, что если администрация трекера обидится и положит болт на авторские права, то в сеть выльется море ранее блокированных раздач. Я бы на их месте именно так бы и поступил.
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  9. #9
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    Re: A very sad day in Russia

    In Russia all major torrent-trackers' owners are known to entertainment/exhibition companies, records' distributors and such. When something isn't to be pirated (a small fraction of all shared files) the owners are contacted starting with 'to avoid probable problems you'd better' and the seedings have got banned. Probably, the owners are rewarded.
    Please correct my English

  10. #10
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: A very sad day in Russia

    В общем-то, можно и через DHT качать - трекер вообще не нужен. А торрент нужный через e-Donkey найти.
    К тому же на торрентс.ру была одна великолепная особенность - с момента "выкладки" очередной вкусняшки до момента её закрытия проходило несоклько часов, так что всегда можно было успеть утянуть .torrent файл.
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  11. #11
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    Re: A very sad day in Russia

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    Anyway, a server is mandatory, therefore right-holders and law enforcement agencies need to get in touch with relatively few people.
    Please correct my English

  12. #12
    Завсегдатай BappaBa's Avatar
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    Re: A very sad day in Russia

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    с момента "выкладки" очередной вкусняшки до момента её закрытия проходило несоклько часов
    Мне кажется несколько минут, а не часов.

  13. #13
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: A very sad day in Russia

    Quote Originally Posted by BappaBa
    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    с момента "выкладки" очередной вкусняшки до момента её закрытия проходило несоклько часов
    Мне кажется несколько минут, а не часов.
    Я тряпку Тараса Бульбы качал в день премьеры оттуда, раздача была закрыта только на следующее утро. И ещё несколько фильмов было выкачано приблизительно так же. Выкладывают ночью, когда большинство модеров спит, вот и проходит необходимое время. Если раздающий сидит на толстом канале, раздача успевает распространится на несколько узлов. А там и magnet uri и прочие прелести - там же в ветке обсуждений можно найти.
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  14. #14

    Re: A very sad day in Russia

    At least it's Russian problems, originating from Russia..
    Not some foreign country threatening yours with sanctions unless you censor your own websites which are legal in your country. That's what happened to Sweden with Pirate Bay.

  15. #15
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: A very sad day in Russia

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    At least it's Russian problems, originating from Russia..
    Not some foreign country threatening yours with sanctions unless you censor your own websites which are legal in your country. That's what happened to Sweden with Pirate Bay.
    I don't think that this was an entirely 'Russian' idea. The reason is probably the same as it was with Pirate bay.
    Send me a PM if you need me.

  16. #16

    Re: A very sad day in Russia

    Here is my view:

    Sharing online was working fine as long as only technical people did it. The problems started when regular Western people (consumers!) discovered filesharing. Companies realised they were snubbed of some potential profits/customers. They formed anti-fileshareing lobby groups; giving them huge funds. Influencing the democracy in the US did not take them long at all, but they realised that American users simply turned to Europe, so that was their next target.

    They don't care about copyright infringement in areas where their media sales were never high to begin with. I.e. large parts of Asia which has always had a cassette and CD piracy culture. They don't want to offend mighty China by complaining too much about piracy there, and they know that normal people in China wouldn't/couldn't pay for the material anyway, just because piracy ended. Plus, don't bite the hand that feeds you..
    Their prime objective is to stop Europeans and Amerians from filesharing.

    I don't know what their view on Russia is.

    Maybe they have come to believe that Russians (like continental Europeans) could be convinced to pay for software such as Windows and for all the music they want to listen too. Hm...

    And it's hard to imagine Putin/Medvedev saying
    "Yes of course, American industry lobbyists, we will deal with this problem immediately!". If such a rich lobbying organisation is behind this, perhaps they went straight to a prosecutor and gave him an "offer too good to refuse". Would that be possible?

    The outcome of going after Pirate Bay was quite interesting:

    • People became more aware of outside interference in local issues; this and others.[/*:m:3b6hcud4]
    • Lots of free publicity for the site. More new users and more support from old users[/*:m:3b6hcud4]
    • The foundation of the "Pirate Party" which has spread across Europe, got some seats in the EU parliament and basically protects privacy online (make it HARD to track what people do online + support the right of media consumers vs copyright lobby organisations). No routine spying on peoples emails and social networking by corporations or states![/*:m:3b6hcud4]
    • Peoples faith in the justice system was seriously shaken. Everyone knew that Pirate Bay had NOT broken any Swedish law and that the trial against them was a political show. [/*:m:3b6hcud4]

    Filesharing is like drugs and prostitution: You can NEVER fully stop it. Since it isn't dangerous to anyone, why try? Why not allow a new less profit-driven content industry to emerge? Quality and availability would improve and some of the trash culture that hits us from media might die. People always find a way to make money and eventually they would do that in the new model too.

    Quote Originally Posted by [u
    Examples[/u]]A US single mother (low-income earner) was sentenced to a fine of several MILLIONS of USD because she shared abot 15 songs on "Kazaa"!

    Pirate Bay: Was ordered to close, had all servers confisticated. The owners were sentenced to insane fees and a year in prison. Downtime for Pirate Bay as a result of all this was a measly 5 hours! Took them a year and many millions of dollars to achieve! Haha! The site found a new home in Ukraine and the owners moved abroad to avoid further legal problems. The crime was not serious enough to stop their passports.
    But be warned, Russians --- this is just the beginning!
    After this they will go after the second biggest tracker, some private trackers etc, etc....

    Before you know it you might get a threatening letter in your mailbox that you have committed copyright crimes and must pay USD 1000 to avoid prosecution in a court! That is what is happening in Britain and the US right now! In the US I don't think people dare running a tracker anymore.

    And how long until they realise that a high percentage of the English speaking world's best trackers are hosted in Ukraine!? It's hard to understand how this situation has remained for so long. Demonoid and PirateBay are both in Ukraine along with many others, private and public.

  17. #17
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: A very sad day in Russia

    Товарищ, помни!

    Каждый MP3, каждая пиратская программа и каждый скачанный тобой фильм - это очередной гвоздь в гроб мирового империализма!
    Send me a PM if you need me.

  18. #18

    Re: A very sad day in Russia

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    Товарищ, помни! ......
    Joking about this, huh? People are being dragged throught the courts right now for this! People are getting a criminal record and completely disproportionate fines. Torrent site owners risk prison. In several European countries, people who share files can be permanently banned from having internet access. This law has been passed in France already.

    And I think you are wrong. This is pure Darwinism. Survival of the fittest... These media companies are no longer competitive because they have failed to adjust their business models to current market conditions. Or you might say it's a "supply and demand" / "invisible hand" situation that Adam Smith would say was totally logical. Prospective consumers are unwilling to accept prices that they know are disproportionate.

    If these companies can't meet the market demands and supply suitable goods/services at prices that are acceptable to consumers, then their businesses deserve to fail. Good riddance!

    I read about a guy who came home from university to find that police
    had entered his student dormitory flat and taken ALL his computer equipment. The reason was that he was running an ftp server on which he had been sharing course litterature for an engineering course. People had also put other litterature on the server as time passed and the copyright holders claimed he was running a major pirate site for eBooks. This was in Norway.

  19. #19
    Почтенный гражданин studyr's Avatar
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    Re: A very sad day in Russia

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