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Thread: The uber-official "Introduce Yourself" Post

  1. #1
    Старший оракул
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    The uber-official "Introduce Yourself" Post

    I have been reading and posting here for a while now, and sometimes, I wonder who people are, what their background is, etc. etc... So, I am going to formally introduce myself now, in hopes that some will follow suit.
    My name is Fantom. Ok, so it's not really Fantom, it's really Allen Feld. My friends call me Al. I am 26, male, (last time I checked. Wait, yeah, I'm still male ) My ancestors are half German (as if you couldn't tell by my last name!) and half Irish.
    I grew up in Iowa, and lived there until I was 23. I was a Computer Science major at the University of Iowa (Go Hawks!), and am now a programmer in San Diego, CA. (I have lived here for 3 years) I started learning Russian because of a friend (who is a native Russian), and I have definitely learned more on this site than anywhere else. Some say that I'm an evil genius, but I say "Hey, pick one. No one gets two titles." So, I guess that all lies in the eye of the beholder.
    "Alright, brain, I don't like you and you don't like me, so let's just figure this out and I'll get back to killing you with beer."

  2. #2
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    hi dudes

    Privet Dudes and Dudetts
    Good idea Phantom, I will follow suite as well, as you can probably guess, I am not really called Luvmonsta, my name is Chris, I was born in South London, England, I have moved around a bit you could say, I lived in Birmingham, Sheffield, Somerset, and Northampton, and now I live by the seaside in a place called Broadstairs which is on the Isle of Thanet, its quite nice here during the summer, but during the winter months, boy does it get cold!!
    I have decided to learn Russian so I can communicate with my beautiful Girlfriend Gala, who lives in Moscow, she is also helping me with how to speak Russian and at the same time I am helping her to speak the English that we use over here in England on the streets! And I am so proud that she is picking up the lingo very well, I just wished that I could learn Russian as quick!
    For a living I am a 3D animator, web/graphic designer, if you like you can see some examples of my work on my personal website, Monstamedia. My work is very varied, it ranges anything from making a pair of shoes walk without anybody wearing them to blowing a church to smithereens. As you can probably figure out due to mr writing skills, is that I am not what you would call 'educated' far from it, I am suprised myself that I can still sit down after the amount of canings I recieved for bunking off school.
    I am also a musician, and the instruments I play are, organ (I have a real live Hammond organ about 10 feet away from where I am sitting) piano, synthesizer, drums and a small amount of bass though I am nowhere near Mark Kings standard. I have been playing keyboard instruments for about 28 years, the style I play usually is Jazz. But I play other styles also. if you are a singer, I can do a nice recording of you and put it on a CD.........this is one of the other things that I production.
    Anyway, I hope that this has not bored you guys to tears but now you know a little bit more about me.
    kuk d'la hows it going dude?

  3. #3
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    Nah man, I'd rather stay incognito. Then I can act childishly and not be sorry about it.
    I've got a TV, and I'm not afraid to use it

  4. #4
    Почётный участник
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    My name is Joel(formerly TheAmerican). I'm a 15 year old high school student in Illinois. I was born and raised here in a town of 30,000 people so I don't have much of a life story to tell, but I can tell you what I plan to do with my life. After high school I will probally join the military. Ill probally go into special forces or join as a linguist. Either way I plan on learning Chinese while i'm in. Then I can go to college and major in Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering with a minor in either Russian or Japanese. Followed by some sort of job with computer hardware or game programming. Then who know what will happen to me.

  5. #5
    Старший оракул
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    Quote Originally Posted by adoc
    Nah man, I'd rather stay incognito. Then I can act childishly and not be sorry about it.
    I do that every day around people that know me well!
    "Alright, brain, I don't like you and you don't like me, so let's just figure this out and I'll get back to killing you with beer."

  6. #6
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    The problem is that I am around a lot of people who don't know me at all
    I've got a TV, and I'm not afraid to use it

  7. #7
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Fantom-good deal man.

    My name is Amber, my friends call me Sosi which is a shortened "pet" form of the name Sosipatra, which is a play name I use for recreational activities associated to a local history study group. I am either 31 or 35; english, irish, welch, danish, and blackfoot sioux first nation--or british, russian, spanish----depending on if I am adopted or not. I am told I am not. I remember that I am. It's a head trip=don't think on it.

    I raise a 14 year old boy who is good with science and wishes to join the airforce. I study criminal law, but am taking a break and working at a resturaunt with friends at a resturaunt in the downtown of my city of Tacoma, WA. Here is a picture of me and one of my son: (that's not my car)

    I try to stay very busy not thinking about the stupid past, and learning Russian is one of the ways that I do that. I think it is the most full and beautiful language on Earth.

    I started learning (or relearning depending) about 3 years ago. This learning was prompted by my need to delve into the things that matter most and not what is nationally popular behavior. So... I pulled my proverbial head out of my ass and took law classes (or legal or criminal justice depending on your bent-because I bumped into someone who inspired such a thing) because I love to follow and understand and talk theory about "the rules"; and then I picked up the russian book, because the want to learn it was not ever leaving my head since childhood-law too. I will not say I am good with the learning of either one (because I go slower with both than most people would I think), but I will say that I am very very happy to be doing (learning) the things that I want to learn. Sure, there are a million other things that I'd like to know. But these here are the basics: Making a living and Living Well.

    I can't put sentences together yet, my vocabulary sucks, and I can't conjugate a verb, and don't know English grammar rules well enough to learn Russian in good time--but I have received some top notch assistance and friendship on here and these things make the language EVEN MORE BEAUTIFUL to me. What can I say, I am a sappy poetic.

    Anyways so, I live in the nw corner of the US. I'm widowed (again depending on ones view of things). I raise kids, go to school and work, learn russian and putz around on applicable webpages. I also like to swim, camp, workout, and look at various martial arts. My current facination: Russian radio and russian learning programs and this really great pen pal who has been helping me alot with the studies and frustrations these last few days. I also smoke, so I'll probably be dead before I have a bitchen command of the language. Such is Life

    It is Winter and Very Cold.

  8. #8
    Почтенный гражданин
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    I'm sixteen and form Illinois! Where do you live!? :O

    I know your mother.

    And your father.

    Yes, I am a stalker. Most of the time I stalk around the Chicago area, but have recently moved to stalking less famous folk in the boonies.

    No I am not a stalker. I should be though, I'd be damn good at it. :O

    Umm..I'm sixteen and from Illinois.
    I come to represent and carve my name within your chest.

  9. #9
    Почётный участник
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    I hate living in Illinois. It just seems so underpopulated. At least I like corn

  10. #10
    Почтенный гражданин
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    I think you already know everything about me, guys
    Well, let’s check. My name is Юлия. I’m 32. I was born in Novosibirsk, Russia. Well, not in the Novosibirsk-city itself, but in Akademgorodok (here an article in Wikipedia, if you are curious what the hell this place is:

    I’m a real, hard-core Siberian , which means that my ancestors - Native people - lived in Asian part of Russia since the beginning of time, and my other ancestors - Russian Cossacks - came there and beat the crap out of them. And after that they married each other’s women and lived happily ever after.

    I’m a philosopher. It’s a nice, useless profession. When I’ve moved to Canada, I had to decide what to do, because there was no big demand for Russian philosophers here, so I started a new career. Now I’m a writer, and here are my books (all three of them): If you click on little pictures, you’ll see big cheesy covers. I have a far-reaching plan - to translate my books into English, and I want to do it myself; therefore, I study English at McGill University. That’s why I was so interested in this Forum: I can practice my translation skills. Now I’m here mostly for the company.
    Find your inner Bart!

  11. #11
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Wow, Gerty! So interesting facts behind the simple nickname! I'm impressed! But... May I ask you? How are you going to translate the following into English?
    - Так что там с проклятием? - Сашка быстрее всех отошел от бурной сцены и вернулся к разговору о деле. - Значит, какие-то навки из болота выползают и мальчишек целуют до смерти?
    - Ага! - кивнула Анисья. - А потом и усех, кто в домине есть: и мамку, и деток усех, и птице, и скотину, и кошку!
    - И все от этого помирают?
    - Усе! - Анисья кивнула так энергично, что я думал, у нее голова оторвется. - А те, кто не помират, те с ума сбегат. Дурны делаются, самасшедши. Особенна када мальчонка навку с заду увидат.
    - А что у нее сзади? - поинтересовался я. Анисья помолчала немного, потом перекатилась на колени, подползла ко мне и дернула за штанину. Я присел на корточки и снова ощутил исходящий от нее терпкий запах. Девчонка приблизила свое лицо к моему и прошептала таинственно:
    - А у навок спины нету.
    - К-как это "спины нету"? - я сглотнул слюну.
    - А так-так: навка по виду - как девка баска, волос черен, лицо бело, румяно, зубья калены, восры, коса длинна, до земли. Во как ета, - Анисья кивнула на Лену. - А узнать ее можно так: сзаду к ней зайти, одежу на ней задрат и глянут - то нет у ней спины и все нутро-требуха видна!..
    My English isn't so good, зато с русским все в порядке ))
    I'll be very thankful, if you correct my mistakes.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by pranki
    Wow, Gerty! So interesting facts behind the simple nickname! I'm impressed! But... May I ask you? How are you going to translate the following into English?
    Ammmmm.... YOU do it!
    Find your inner Bart!

  13. #13
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gerty
    I was born in Novosibirsk, Russia. Well, not in the Novosibirsk-city itself, but in Akademgorodok

    Why not just say it in the first place, "Akademgorodok"? It is far more interesting to know the true origion of things. For instance, In America, the only "big city" word anybody knows is Moscow (and even then we say it all wrong ) . To me, Novosibirsk and Akademgorodok are equally unknown concepts. What a ferkin cool town--geez! That's gotta be the best town biography I have ever read. 65, 000 scientists--damn.
    It is Winter and Very Cold.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gerty
    Ammmmm.... YOU do it!
    How about making it into a little contest? I fold.
    I've got a TV, and I'm not afraid to use it

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gerty
    Best place-name evah.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rosa Anna
    Why not just say it in the first place, "Akademgorodok"?
    It's not a real city name, it literally means "college town". There are a few of those.
    I've got a TV, and I'm not afraid to use it

  17. #17
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    Yeah I got that, I just liked the literalty of it.

  18. #18
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joel
    I hate living in Illinois. It just seems so underpopulated. At least I like corn
    So long as you avoid Cumberland county...

    That place scares me!!!!
    I come to represent and carve my name within your chest.

  19. #19
    JB is offline
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    I'm a California girl (Los Angeles) married to a Russian guy and we just moved to Dmitrov (Moscow is too crowded, expensive and bad ecology). I graduated from medical college with a degree in Nursing (specialty women's health and obstetrics) but have also worked as a journalist, business manager, and educator. I am currently teaching conversational (American) English in Russia but also work in medicine when I come to America to visit.
    I have been in California for the last few months while our flat is being remodeled but return to Russia in 7 days. My current (and continuing) problem is how to get all of the presents and clothes I bought (plus the jars of p-nut butter) into my suitcase without going over the weight limit! Since the weather here is really hot I can't do my usual trick of wearing layers of clothes and coats and stuffing the pockets with all the heavy items.(Aeroflot doesn't weigh people, just the bags). Any ideas?
    Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.

  20. #20
    DDT is offline
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    I have given up the Gambling, the Wine and the Cows!.. I'm in St Petersburg Russia
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    And she is also a cowgirl! And a pretty one, too.
    Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself. - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce

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