Transalte for me please.
Hey ok i will introduce myself my name is Pasha and I come from a little village near Logrono in Spain. In my town there is very little to do, but nearby there is a cinema and some large supermarkets. I love languages so much and can speak english and of course I am fluent in spanish. I have little knowledge of the russian language but I hope through writing with you it will improve greatly. I've never been to Estonia but I would really love to visit it someday as it seems like a cool place. Do you like living there? Have you ever been to Spain? WE get many tourists here and I like that, because it gives me a great deal of opoprtunities to practice my languages. I have many oportunities to practice it here too, as i have a job and in the hotel I work in there are lots of latvians who are housekeepers and a ukrainian waitress - natasha who is like my best friend in the workplace. My knowledge of russian comes in handy to communicate especially with the latvians as they speak very little spanish or english and therefore I try to translate for them through broken russian.