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Thread: Thank You

  1. #1
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    Thank You


    I wanted to take a moment and thank all the forum users. You have increased my knowledge of all things Russian. I have begun to learn a beautiful language that, I'm sure, I would never have understood without your posts.

    I wanted to thank a few people specifically but feel it would be unfair to single out any one person. I feel I have come to know you all and have gained respect for many of you. Thank you all for unknowingly assisting my studies in the Russian language and Culture.

    I have been reading your posts for close to eight months now and I am always amazed at the knowledge possessed. I have finally progressed to a point where I can read some Russian (I still cannot type it) and respond to your posts. I look forward to communicating to you all.

    Thank you all,
    "Having no limitation as your limitation" ~ Bruce Lee

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    Hey Blade,

    Good to know you are finding our ramblings useful. What are you using to learn Russian, by the way?

  3. #3
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    Hey Pravit!

    Thank you for responding. I enjoy reading your posts, you have a gift in explaining the Russian language. You have a great FAQ page as well!

    I'm using quite a few different methods. I'm using a four disc "Living Language" course, A "Teach Yourself" book by Racheal Farmer and some bootleged MP3's of the first eight Pilmseur courses. Oh and of course Master Russian's wonderful forum.

    On a side note I can speak a few languages but sadly cannot read and write in all of them. That is something I'm hoping to correct with Russian!
    "Having no limitation as your limitation" ~ Bruce Lee

  4. #4
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    I enjoy reading your posts, you have a gift in explaining the Russian language. You have a great FAQ page as well!
    Thanks, Blade! That FAQ site, BTW, is about to undergo a major rehaul by someone actually competent in HTML and CSS, and I plan to add more stuff than just Q&A.

    I have the living language Japanese course and I don't like it, but I'm not sure if they use the same format for all their books. Does it start out teaching you a bunch of phrases to remember?

    So why such a gruesome name if you're otherwise so chipper and nice?

  5. #5
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    The nick is a long story but you will probably under stand if your taking Japanese. I have studied Kendo for a very long time. (And yes (Wakarimas hanese?)) A stupid accident and now a gruesome nick. Thankfully it was not a gruesome accident!

    As for the LL course. It starts with the Alphabet and names and places. It's not as in depth as Pilmseur as far as pronunciation. But it helps with conversations and comprehension.

    You know I was thinking how simple and un-obtrusive your page is. Straight and to the point. Please tell me it will not have banners and pop ups everywhere with the new face lift.
    "Having no limitation as your limitation" ~ Bruce Lee

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    The nick is a long story but you will probably under stand if your taking Japanese. I have studied Kendo for a very long time. (And yes (Wakarimas hanese?)) A stupid accident and now a gruesome nick. Thankfully it was not a gruesome accident!
    I'm not taking Japanese but I can connect the nick with a Kendo accident...

    You know I was thinking how simple and un-obtrusive your page is. Straight and to the point. Please tell me it will not have banners and pop ups everywhere with the new face lift.
    You know, that's what I like about it too. No BS, mainly text. However, the person designing the site might have some, er, creative differences(she considers it "bad design" in its current state, ah, artists...) At any rate I will make sure that the site retains its original functionality - what we're trying to do is both make it look a bit nicer and maybe add more to it than just Q&A(I have the advantage that the web designer is a native speaker of Russian). As well as clean up the HTML in there, which is ugly, messy, tut-tut no-no code generated by MS Word and Frontpage. And you can be sure there will be no banners or popups

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    I'm glad you can relate the nick to my accident. I hate explaining it. Very embarassing. I'm a black sash and it shouldn't have happened.

    Did you stop Japanese or did you get the LL course for Japanese for future study?

    Sounds like your native Web Designer will use flash. I look forward to the new layout. (I'm a compter person myself and will glady offer my opinion!)
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  8. #8
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    I'm a black sash and it shouldn't have happened.
    Speaking of martial arts, I used to do ju-jitsu. Fun stuff. I was only a yellow belt, though

    Did you stop Japanese or did you get the LL course for Japanese for future study?
    I was interested in it a couple years ago but stopped, alas.

    Sounds like your native Web Designer will use flash. I look forward to the new layout. (I'm a compter person myself and will glady offer my opinion!)
    Heh, she's planning on using Flash, but I personally hate flashy Flash intros, so it will be kept to a minimum. I would personally just prefer some touchup with CSS, maybe some nice and simple graphics, and a cleanup of the HTML. What's your opinion?

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    I love the joint locks in ju-jitsu! Even a yellow belt could defend themselves decently. Never doubt yourself!

    Japanese is hard. I was fortunate enough to spend time there. I don't blame you for putting it down.

    I prefer Dreamweaver. More functionality over Front Page and cleaner HTML then word. I use an Ultra Dev version so I don't know what the retail version would contain as far as plug-in compatibility. Flash is pretty robust as far as graphics and design abilities. Ultimatly it is up to you and the designer. I would recommend whichever the designer is most familiar with as problems always happen when you stray from a basic foundation. The more complex the site, the more complex the code is.

    Personally I don't like those long flash intros either. I personally like your site the way it is. I can understand to wanting to clean it up though. The source code is horrible! (That was my sarcasm towards Microsoft)

    I'm sure whatever you decide to go with will have structure and meaning.
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  10. #10
    DDT is offline
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    I have given up the Gambling, the Wine and the Cows!.. I'm in St Petersburg Russia
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    Howdy Blade. Just thought I'd get into this thread when martial arts came up. I enjoy the joint locks and take downs myself. I have taken several styles recently been doing Kombatan Arnis with the sticks or blades. I quite like it and have been thinking that I would like to go further into some kind of sword play. I find it thereaputic, especially doing forms with the sword. Do you know of any good styles? I am not to sure about the traditional Japanese style.
    Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself. - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDT
    Howdy Blade. Just thought I'd get into this thread when martial arts came up. I enjoy the joint locks and take downs myself. I have taken several styles recently been doing Kombatan Arnis with the sticks or blades. I quite like it and have been thinking that I would like to go further into some kind of sword play. I find it thereaputic, especially doing forms with the sword. Do you know of any good styles? I am not to sure about the traditional Japanese style.
    Howdy DDT!

    As with most martial arts, Kendo or Kenjustu will have various styles. As fas as traditional styles, I prefer kenjutsu, jojutsu and aikijutsu along with a few other martial art styles that incorporate sword training. Do you prefer the shinai (bamboo straight sword) or bokken (wooden Katana)?

    Studying Kombatan you should be familiar with quite a few forms. I particularly like the escrima sticks forms from Kombatan. I incorporate sword play with that style and it found it quite enjoyable.
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    I have given up the Gambling, the Wine and the Cows!.. I'm in St Petersburg Russia
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    I think that I would prefer the Bokkan but I have little experience with the art, my escrima sticks have been leading me in this direction, I think. I have been in contact with supposedly recognised Dojo that teackes Ninjitsu. He hand picks his students so I may not get in. This is what he has to say about his teaching,

    "In our dojo we train in a cooperative, noncompetitive atmosphere, and emphasize realism in technique for combat and natural movement for quality in our everyday lives. The simplest way to define this system of martial arts we teach is "ancient Japanese battlefield combat martial arts." Budo Taijutsu is a comprehensive art with more than 900 years of recorded tradition, and the collective 9 Ryu of this system intrinsically include elements of grappling as well as striking as part of armed as well as unarmed combat using both modern as well as traditional ancient weaponry. We do not emphasize any one element of this collective system in favor over another, but rather endeavor to concentrate on learning simple natural movement based on solid biomechanics, timing, and spacial relationships which can be universally applied in the quality of everyday life as well as combat."

    Did you know that President of Russia Putin is into Martial Arts?
    Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself. - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce

  13. #13
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    Isn't he some nth-degree black belt of Judo?

    Judo always looked kind of fun, actually. I mean, who doesn't want to throw around people? In jujitsu we learned a few throws but it was mainly groundfighting. BTW, ever heard of Muay Thai?

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    I have given up the Gambling, the Wine and the Cows!.. I'm in St Petersburg Russia
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    I heard he was into Sambo, a Russian form of martial art. ... -sambo.htm
    Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself. - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce

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    I know where I live it is illegal to have a Ninjitsu Dojo. They teach it under a different name. It is a very deadly art. Are you familiar with Ho-Shin-Ru? That is the style I study here.

    The bokken hurts alot more as it is a dull (not sharp) edge. The shinai stings real bad. It leaves alot of welts. As you are more comfortable with escrima (bamboo shinai are longer then Katana's) and the footwork of that style, you might want to consider Kenjutsu. It blends Hopkido and Aikido footwork. As for bokkens, try a Ninja-to, it is much shorter than a Katana and will feel natural in escrima movements.

    Sounds like a normal "Come to my school speech". Might be intersting to follow up on that style.

    No, I did not know Putin was into M.A.
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    Muay Tai is scary! Kickboxers are tough to block. They kick with thier shins!
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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDT
    I heard he was into Sambo, a Russian form of martial art. ... -sambo.htm
    Wow! I would have never guessed Putin was a 9th Dan in Sambo. By watching him move around, you would think he would incorporate it into his everyday movements.
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  18. #18
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    I heard he was into Sambo, a Russian form of martial art.

    hehe funny, you know what I mean Kamion!
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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by BladeStuckin

    Muay Tai is scary! Kickboxers are tough to block. They kick with thier shins!
    It really hurts, too! And let's not get started on elbows...

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pravit
    It really hurts, too! And let's not get started on elbows...
    Or the knees... the head.... or forearm strikes.

    I spar way to many of them.
    "Having no limitation as your limitation" ~ Bruce Lee

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