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Thread: Soviet Film Compilation?

  1. #1
    Увлечённый спикер
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    Soviet Film Compilation?


    Does anyone happen to know of a Soviet film compilation DVD or set of DVDs?

    It would be nice to obtain some sort of library of the most popular movies from the 50's through the 70's.

    I like Ironia Sud'bi, Sherlock Holmes, Nikita Mikhalkov's "White Russian" movies, Chelovek Amphibia, and other films such as these.

    I also enjoy the newer movies and serials, but those are easily obtained.

    If you do not know where I might obtain a set or compilation of these types of movies, then can you recommend some?

    Thank you

  2. #2
    Почтенный гражданин BabaYaga's Avatar
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    Hi Andrei,

    I don't know whether it exists - if I find out it does, I'll be the first to buy it!

    The best source I've found so far is Moskwood, a small Dutch business that reedits classic movies, and they have a soft spot for Russia.
    Have a look: ... anguage=en
    and ... x&cPath=88

    Much of it is only in Dutch - if you need help, feel free to PM me.

    Also: I know you said 50's-70's.... but if you're cinema-interested, don't pass by Eisenstein, Dovzhenko, Pudovkin, Vertov, etc. Their work is at the base of any movie you see today, and not only the Russian ones....
    Ой, голова у меня кружится |-P ...... and my brain hurts too....

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