This is the lesson I have just well learned.![]()
Most of the following sentences were chosen from the page of idioms.
They have been chosen to try to make amends for an unfortunate reply to a third party.
I hope they are clear.
Он ломает голову над задачей по сосушествование уже целый денъ
Я отдаю себе полный отчёт в том, что сделал./ Вставлять палки в колёса
Сесть в калошу
Остаться с носом
Пролить свет (на)
Отдавать себе отчёт
Сам заварил кашу, сам и расхлёбывай.
I am unable to find a translation.
Вогнать в краску
Нет худа без добра.
Заморить червячка
I am unable to find a translation.
Держать ухо востро
He has been breaking his head over the problem in coexistence for a day.
I fully realize what I did.
To put a spoke in smb.'s wheel
To get into a ridiculous and awkward situation
Be left looking a fool
To shed light (on)
To be aware of
As you brew so must you drink.
Why do I see the speck/splinter that is in my neighbour’s eye, but do not notice the beam/log that is in my own eye?
To put to the blush
Every cloud has a silver lining.
To fortify oneself with food
To eat Humble pie (to make a humble apology).
Mind one's step
Finally in case there is any doubt.
I opened my mouth and put my foot in it. (I take a size 44)
I take my hat off to all.